19+2 but no movement yet...worried!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2011
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I am really starting to worry as I am 19+2 and yet to feel any movement at all from baby. I am currently suffereing with round ligament pain or so the doctor thinks also with shooting pains down below (sorry TMI) :blush:. This is my 1st baby and about 2 weeks ago I did feel a popping sensation but nothing since. Got my scan on 8th Feb but really worrying at the moment.:sad:
Try not to worry hun, it's perfectly normal to not have felt movement yet. With my first I didn't feel a single thing until I was exactly 22 weeks and even then it was only a little flutter I was unsure of lol

This time I was feeling loads of movement but it's really slowed down recently and i@ve been so worried but at the scan today LO was absolutely fine and kicking away and I couldn't feel any of it coz she was kicking mostly inwards lol
I'm exactly the same- 19+4 today and still haven't felt anything xx
My midwife said today that since its my first I probably wouldn't feel anything until after 20 weeks
I wouldn't worry hun, I didn't feel any sort of movement until I was 22 weeks with my first and then it wasn't very frequent x x
Also, the placenta might be at the front and therefore cushioning any kicks etc! Just read my scan results and they have put that I have an anterior placenta, they didn't mention it during the scan, but it explains why the movements aren't so frequent too!
I didn;t feel anything until about 21 weeks :)

If your really worried I would say ring the midwife :) xxx
From what I have read it is perfectly normal not to feel anything until 20 weeks. I have a low lying placenta which means there isn't anything cushioning baby so I have felt kicks but I really wouldn't worry :) x x
I've just been feeling irregular flutters. Have used doppler and can still hear heartbeat so I'm guessing all is ok. Have also read that with 1st baby it's normal not to feel anything until after 20 weeks.
I've had hardly any what I can be sure to be real movements with this baby hun, with reu im sure I had more. I think maybe each baby is different. Xx
Don't worry, hun. I had lots of flutters on one day a few days ago, and then nothing for a couple of days. Last night I got the most almighty kick when I had my hand on my tummy in bed, but very little since. Until much later, we will only feel some of the movements, and it may well be that baby is facing your back or you have an anterior placenta, both of which will mean that you feel less. I was worried until my scan this morning, and baby was just fine. xxx
Thanks for all your replys everyone helps to put my mind at ease. Really paranoid at the moment and so scared something is wrong all the time. Need to pull myself together unti my scan next wednesday. Doc has signed me off work now because of the anxiety :shock:

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