

Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2005
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im crying im so upset i dont know what to do i just talked to my dad its 12:13am and he sounds real depressed he kept asking me if i keep my phone on at night just in case i get a phone call about somthing important.
Mt dad is normally a cheerful happy guy and he seems so unhappy , he has thought about suicide in the past and he is scaring me.
I am gonna wake up Bernie and Kiara and go there cuz i need to make sure hes okay and give him a hug i think if he sees Kiara it might cheer him up and make him realize there is mening to life.
Sarah if i dont come on line tom thats why dotn worry though hun ill let you know how everything turns out. ... im scared cant sleep

I think you are doing the correct thing and going and giving him a hug. Everyone needs more hugs.

Hope you are all ok.

:hug: :hug: :hug:
aww huni im so sorry,,,i hope he is ok..take care xxxxx#
i really hope your dads ok, its nice that he has you to care about him :D
I hope that everything is ok hun, am thinking of you and sending you hugs!!

Oh hunny, I everything is okay, you are doing the right thing to go see him, give him big hugs :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Thanks girls that means alot he is really depressed i think he needs to go and talk to someone he is always helping others out and everyon etakes advantage of him, my sister just broke up with her bf and is on the couch and my brother also lives there and the house was a mess i mean there were even aunts on the counter my dad is a clean freak and i think he has given up i reamed everyone out telling them to get up and help him .
,Meanwhile i spent 3 hours cleaning the house while they sat on there butts and watched tv then i was snappy with them my brother goes why are you so cranky and why are you cleaning im like if i dont who will.
My dad for the past few weeks has been talking about leaving town which i think is an excellent idea this bug town of ours is just too much and i think he needs to start fresh, he has my aunt (his sister) reaming him out weekly for things that are none of her business and he stresses about that, the poor guy just needs to relax.
He seems a little better tonight you should of seen when i walked up with Kiara hes like grandpas girl just who i needed to see, brought a smile to my face.
I think he just needs time away and he will hopefully be okay its just a shame he has to feel this way

Thanks again girls you are great

can i ask, how old is your dad? He sounds like a really great guy, wouldnt he think about meeting someone else. would he go on line or do you know any single ladies.

i really hope that he is okay. depression is a horrible thing and you cant just shake it off, i have been told. would your dad consider counselling.

Davina my dad is turning 46 in November he has tried dating but for some reason they all turn out to be alcoholics are his complete oposite and cant get along... also my dad has a big sense of humour jokes all day some girls cant handle that.
Think he has doen counselling in the past but he dont have the money for it now.
I wish he could find someone he could be happy with would be great :D but i think hes about given up
i think sometimes when you are a bit down you seem to attract the wrong mate. often an abused person keeps on picking abusers.

Your dad sounds lovely. and look there is already an offer from Sarah's auntie. We have free counselling here on the national health, dont you have anything like that where you are.

i wish your dad every happiness he sounds like a lovely man. sending :hug: his way and hope that he can find the happiness that he deserves.


Sarah :rotfl: thats why you wanted me to bring my dad down there .

Davina thanks hun he is a great guy and we had a few sessions of councelling free then he has to pay full price not worth it

I know what you mean about attracting the wrong mate.. my dads sacrifiesed so much for us he raised 3 kids under the age of 3 by him self as my mom took off . Every girl he met after that were all the same

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