16 Week appointment


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2010
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Tomorrow morning. arghhh! She better not try and weigh me or I will acutally run out the room..:lol:. What normally happens at the 16 week appointment? It's all changed since I had my last child nearly 12 years ago.. :oooo:

ps I'm 17 weeks but i forgot to make the appointment..
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I think at the 16 week one they just check your urine, BP and have a prod around of your tummy.

Have you had your bloods done?
At mine they checked blood pressure, tried for the heartbeat. I never got bloods done because they were fine last time and i am not having the downs bloods.
aww she never tried for the heartbeat but ive already heard it so that is ok. Yeah had my bloods done the first time I went - they are all fine. :dance: She also measured my "bump" - I'm 5cm bigger than what I should be - I'm measuring 22cm :shock:. Hope this baby ain't gonna be massive - I'm only little.. :lol:
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Glad it went well - the appointments obviously vary quite a lot in different areas. At mine she listened to the hb but didn't measure my bump at all - where do they measure from and to? I know that you are supposed to be roughly 1cm per week (hence you are 17 weeks and measuring 22cm and that's considered to be 5cm bigger than what you should be). Thought I might measure myself if I know where to do it to/from as I can't face getting on the scales! :)
I think she measured just a wee bit under my belly button to the top of my lady part . Yeah she said at 17 weeks I should be 17cm give or take 3 cm, so it still makes me over by 2.. lol. They would be able to measure better when i go in for my 20 week scan though. At the moment it's not a problem it's just towards the end that it could be. It might have sorted itself out by then, just have to wait and see like everything else. :wall2:

She never weighed me either which I'm so glad off. :dance:
At mine she said "just a catch up since it's a long time between 8 weeks and 20-odd weeks" and did bot all - no bloods or pee, no listening to heartbeat and no measuring!
Thanks snr1982 - I've just measured from belly button to lady bits and its about 24-25cm so seems about right but I'm guessing I might get measured at my 25 week MW appointment next week so will see what she says! :)
My midwife never measured me at my 16 week appointment but she put on my notes I measured 16 cms lol

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