13 weeks (ish) and still not showing!


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2008
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I can't believe how i am still in all my normal clothes, i get bloated some days and i have to undo my jeans but i have no bump! When i had the boys i was showing at this stage, i feel a bit worried because i had a laparoscopy just weeks before i found out i was pregnant, i keep thinking i am not pregnant. I have a scan in 2 weeks and i just can't wait to see whats going on in there!
im not showing yet either and im a week or so ahead of you. its sooo annoying i want to look + feel pregnant not just feel bloated

good luck with the scan :cheer:
I had a laparoscopy a month or so before I got pregnant too, so was nervous when I went for scan that it might have affected things... But everything was fine!

I'm not showing either - and I'm 13 weeks today. Sometimes I think I am but I think it's just cos I'm not holding my belly in as much, as I find it harder to hold it in now. I have noticed that both my lap scars have gone from mid-pink to a real dark pink/brown colour, especially my belly button one. And I sometimes get a sharp pain about 1 inch below my belly button, but I wonder if it's things stretching around the scar? Do you get this? :?
i am in the "no bump yet" club too ladies!!

I am still wearing normal clothes and sometimes they do start to feel a bit uncomfy.

I have only put on 1lb this time round. With my ds i had put on just over a stone by the time i was 12 wks :oops:
its a bit of a weird one as i'm not showing either apart from a tiny bump which i think is in my head. On one hand its frustrating and i want my bump but on the other i'm sorta hoping its a sign i might not get too big :lol:

I've got my scan next week and i'm comforting myself with the fact i must still be pregnant as in the past six weeks i've gone from a 34D to a 34F. You just know I'm gonna have pammies by the end! Needless to say hubby happy with that development! :lol:
Yeah i do get some sharp pains which may be from my lap.

I am glad that loads of you have the same thing but i don't feel pregnant anymore :( and i am actually starting to worry.

The other week i could feel the baby moving and i have had nothing for about a week. I can lay on my tummy with out it feeling funny iykwim, if i touch my tummy low down it felt a bit tender before now i feel nothing. I am starting to think the baby has gone.

I just wish the scan was sooner.
Just saw above post so editing mine because it seemed horrible - if you're really worried call your midwife and ask her to listen for a heartbeat, they'll be able to check for you hon xxx :hug:
You didn't have to change your post lol!

I don't wanna phone the midwife incase i sound like i am just going mad! The thing is that after 3 totally normal and healthy pregnancies i know what it feels like to be at this stage, i know what baby flutterings feel like in the early stages and all that, maybe thats why i am worried. I have been saying to my hubby for days that i think there is no baby. My boobs still feel a bit tender but thats all i feel.

I just don't know what to do, i have had a water infection that to be honest i put off going to the dr's with, but i am on anti biotics now, i wonder if the infection could of caused any problems to the baby and that why in this week i have stopped feeling pregnant.
Im only 6 weeks and already I feel SO bloated...I have a feeling im going to be a right heffer this time :rotfl:
I was huge with the boys so maybe i am in team pink this time, thats why its different! probably some old wives tale lol but it stops me from worrying that i have had a missed miscarriage. It's strange because i never worried about anything like that in previous pregnancies, just shows how much you read online!!
I kinda feel the same, I have no bump and now I have no symptoms either except tiredness which is pretty vague, and Im worried too :( with my son I had a bump by now (mind you I had also put on a stone :oops: ) but I cant feel anything and I thought with a second baby a bump would appear much sooner than a first. I have a scan on Monday 13th and I cant wait - wish it was sooner too.
Why don't you do another test? (I did that the week before my scan just to check!)
I think that the hcg stays in your system for awhile after you miscarry so it would say i am still pregnant probably. My scan is on the 14th but it just seems like an age away, i have period pain like cramps today and had a dream that i was bleeding last night. I did actually feel pretty sad this morning, my hubby wanted me to go see the dr but i just don't see what she would say if i am not bleeding.
Hon if you're that worried you should see your Dr or call your midwife - that's why they're there, and worrying isn't going to be good for you at all, even just for reassurance it's better for you to call them and check x :hug:
Hey Cixes!
You had the tummy tickles right? Sure I read a post quickly the other day saying that you weren't feeling them anymore... It was me that had them too and only had it during night 2 nights running (at 10 weeks) and nothing since. Went for my scan and suprised I didn't feel anything it was moving so much! My tummy isn't major either and doesn't seem to have grown I just think make the most of your jeans whilst you can!
Not long til the scan so all will be fine am sure. See you in Tri 2 x
Hi Cixes

Still no bump at all for me... And I'm getting bad period-style cramps too (and dizzy spells) for last day or so. Phoned MW this morning and she was lovely, said that if pain continues through the weekend to see GP on Monday, or if it gets really bad in the meantime to call out doc, or if it is accompanied by bleeding then go to hospital. She thinks it's normal though and should go in a day or two - I wonder whether it might be around the time I would normally have a period as I read that you can sometimes get the pain, despite being pregnant. In the meantime rest and take paracetamol, but avoid a hot-water bottle as it might make the baby too hot.

Do you have a doppler? I bought one a couple of weeks ago and whenever I get a 'I'm not pregnant' moment I hook it up and am instantly reassured.
Thanks for posting the advice you got kaybee it really reasures me that this is normal. I think that i am probably just being paranoid because this pregnancy is different from my others! I have a bit of a cold at the moment so am not feeling 100% anyway, i said to my hubby last night that i think that the baby is fine it is just hiding! you watch we will wake up on morning huge and unable to fit in any of our clothes! :rotfl:
I couldn't help it i got a pregnancy test! thankfully i still have a BFP! i am now starting to think that i have my dates wrong so i am off to re calculate!!!
hey hun

dont worry about it im sure it will be okay. when i was at your stage i didnt feel or look pregnant its only now im really starting to get symptoms (at 16 wks lol).

hope things work out for you :)


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