12 weeks & everything is at its peak...


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Jan 31, 2008
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Right Im just over 12 weeks pregnant, I have been having morning sickness since before I even found out I was pregnant...I found out at around 5 weeks and was undergoing alot of stress at the time, but now the stress of other things around me has calmed down...But on the other hand everything else is going downhill; my morning sickness seems 2 be at its peak, up untill 10weeks I was only since maybe twice a week but just feeling nautious all the time but now im sick EVERY morning and the tiredness has gotten 100x's worse, and to top things off I am EXTREMLEY emotional...I thought at 12 weeks maybe things would start to brighten up but it has seemed to of gotten worse...Has anyone else experianced this at round 12weeks or am I just one of the unlucky ones?

For example, I was supposed to be going out last night to a club in Brighton with a couple of friends...My mum kept sayin are you sure you wanna be traveling down there in your state (we live in south london) but I was saying mum im pregnant not ill, Im not the first of the last gal to ever fall pregnant and I wont be the last and I dont need a drink 2 have a good night ect, I just mite feel tired...So anyways, I began gettin ready...make up done ect...all I had 2 do was find a outfit, but I didn't feel comfortable in ANYTHING i put on, my stomach is begining to show & everyone who knows me says they can tell im pregnant but I feel as though it just looks podgy right now, so every top I put on I felt like the entire focus was on my belly....I didn't end up going out instead I stayed in crying....over nothing?!?!?!?!

I feel so silly, I know obviously with pregnancy Im going to get a big bump but with my emotions how they are at the moment it feels so depressing, I think once its firm and out there i'll feel different and wish I could feel that way now but its as though the silliest of things, such as my stomach, are havin such a big effect on my emotions...I even find myself crying hysterically to the troubles of people on Jeremy Kyle!!!!

Has anyone else had everything peak at once or feeling the same way over change in their body??

Thanks for listening xxxx
Even tho i'm only 7and half weeks, i'm feeling the same babe, well in the sense i just feel sooo fat!!

For me its just water retention, i'm already a size 12, and feel about 2 sizes bigger resently, been sat in my pj's all day and not come out of bed/room, because feel so down..

I know when i get a wee bump it'll be different, because people will know your pregnant, not jus putting weight on..

End of day babe stay positive, and your beautiful no matter what people may think.. xx :hug:
Thanks 4 your reply, I thought i was just being silly over this fatness thing because putting on weight is 2 be expected so its nice to know other people feel the same way...

I've done the same as you all day, Im in bed watching simpsons in my pj's...they're the only clothing that feels comfortable at the moment!!!

Im a 10/12 normally & began feeling like my clothing was getting tight at around 7weeks, it got to my thighs first...I have quite a big chest naturally aswell and they seem to have gottena lot bigger lately also which im not pleased about, and i think when i look in the mirror my breasts may be making me look bigger also...feeling so top heavy & fat!! x
Oh and yeah I think Im gonna have to definetly start staying positive else ill be a wreck when I reach 7months and my belly is waaay out there lol...

End of day I get a beautiful baby out of all this and i think thats what im gonna have to keep concentrating on and being abit less selfish and paranoid when it comes to body imagine xxx

I was quite surprised how I felt about my bump at first. I was really paranoid as I just looked like I had put on weight.

My husband's eyes nearly popped out his head the first time I showed bump to the world and wore a tight jumper.

Have you bought any maternity clothes yet? I found once I was in them they were the right shape and a lot more flattering.
Hi one4three, ive had nausea most days so far but in the last week or so it has felt much worse i also thought id be feeling alot better by 12 weeks but its not got any better yet since for me and im also finding myself very emotional too!!
I keep crying at silly things on tv or in films, my OH thought it was particularly funny yesterday when we went to look at baby clothes in town and i saw a vest top that was really cute with a little bear on it and it made me get tears in my eyes! So he then decided it would be fun to try and find the cutest clothes possible to try and make me cry! He succeeded when he found a really cute duck outfit it had duck beak on the hood and duck feet on it! - dont ask lol it just got to me! Hope you feel better soon x
one4three said:
Oh and yeah I think Im gonna have to definetly start staying positive else ill be a wreck when I reach 7months and my belly is waaay out there lol...

End of day I get a beautiful baby out of all this and i think thats what im gonna have to keep concentrating on and being abit less selfish and paranoid when it comes to body imagine xxx

i'm feeling it in my arms and chest to...

i've got quite a big chest also, and because there hurtin so much, they feel so so heavy.. might start wearing a sports bra lol..

its hard to think postive when you feel down!!

It nice to know its not jus me feeling like this..

OH doesnt understand, just says your beautiful whatever etc etc..

He doesnt realize.. bless them for tryin tho.. my lil devil horns keep appearing..

Keep telling him how to lye in bed, what to do etc.. lol.. and i'm not asking in a nice way lol.. :twisted:

ah well its his fault anyway! hehe always blame them hehe..

hope your feeling bit better xxxx :hug:
Hi, i don't have any physical symptoms but i am very emotional, i cry over nothing and last night i cried loads, my OH didn't know what was wrong with me, he kept asking why i was crying and all i could say was " i don't know, i'm stupid" lol but he was there with lots of hugs bless him! like you i didn't have this in the early weeks, its all started at 12 weeks. I feel really ugly and frumpy at the moment and my face is covered in spots so i know exactly how your feeling. hopefully all this will pass soon and we will start to bloom and get that pregnancy glow. But isn't it annoying when people treat you like an invalid just because your pregnant, i can't stand it!. Hope you feel better soon, take care. :hug:

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