12 Week Scan


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2015
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Hi everyone,

I have my 1st scan tomorrow, both excited and nervous! By my estimations I'll be 11+4.

Is there anything in particular I should expect? I've read that it's not always an external scan and sometimes, depending on size/weight, they have to do an internal one? Also only hit me last night that I'll have to get my stomach out - I've never even let my partner see my tummy!!
Good luck! I'll be 12 weeks tomorrow, my scan is on Thurs at 08.30. Like you I'm both nervous and excited. So glad I'm the first appointment! x
Good luck to both of you. Had my 12 week scan yesterday. Was waiting for ages but i think thats due to antenatal ward being moved temp and noone knowing where people were. Also had to see the twin midwife. I had an earlly scan that was internal only good thing with an internal is you have an empty bladder so are not pacing the room waiting for your scan☺
Good luck to both of you. Had my 12 week scan yesterday. Was waiting for ages but i think thats due to antenatal ward being moved temp and noone knowing where people were. Also had to see the twin midwife. I had an earlly scan that was internal only good thing with an internal is you have an empty bladder so are not pacing the room waiting for your scan☺

The idea of an internal scan scares me a little. Purely because I'm not very comfortable with random people seeing me 'down there' and I know it's something I'll have to get used to because, let's face it, a baby has to come out of me! But it makes me feel really quite anxious. I was the same with my smear test, absolutely petrified, anxious and in tears, not because of the test and waiting for the results, but because someone had to examine me down there!

I wish I knew now what type of exam I'll be having, so I could prepare! Did you know in advance it would be internal?
Good luck! I'll be 12 weeks tomorrow, my scan is on Thurs at 08.30. Like you I'm both nervous and excited. So glad I'm the first appointment! x

Mine is at 11am, but hopefully we won't be waiting too long. Good luck! Let me know how it goes :)
Your 12 week scan is external hunni. It's quite low down on your stomach but not so far as having to remove clothing or anything.

Pretty sure no-one really relishes the thought of being examined 'down there' hun but try to remember that a) they wouldn't do it if it wasn't necessary - ie for a smear or a sweep or whatever and b) they are medical professionals and examining you 'down there' is the same as examining you anywhere else. You are a human with body parts and the people looking at stuff are looking at you from an antomical point of view. Just one of those not very nice things we have to get over - especially when as you quite rightly point out there will be a baby coming out of there soon (and at that point you won't give a toss who's looking at it!) xxx
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I was the same and didn't like the idea of people looking at my bits that I didn't invite for a look lol.. but when I had ectopic surgery I had a scar across my pubic bone, no knickers on & a huge pad shoved under my vagina. The nurse then had to come and fit a catheter & help me dress & at that point I really didn't care who came & saw my bits.

Its just part of being a woman I think but you will be fine xx
Thank you everyone for the good luck messages!

Had the scan this morning, healthy baby with a good beating heart on the monitor. She said I'm 11 weeks 1 day (I thought I'd be 11+4 today, so need to change my tracker in my signature!!)

Got 4 scan photos. Think my partner was a bit confused as he didn't expect it to look like it does, even though I've shown him progress drawings from my pregnancy apps every week ha!

Feels real now. I was so sure they'd say it was all in my head, but no, there is definitely a baby inside there!!! :) :) :)
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Thank you so much! It really is sinking in now. I can't believe it! We've known for 6 weeks but it just never felt real before. Gosh I want the next 6 months and Christmas to hurry up and go haha! :)
I didn't have a 3D or 4D scan, just the normal 2D scan! We're going to stick to normal 2D scans I think. Someone else might be able to give you more info though :)
Hi, baby is doing well and gave us a wave. Apparently I'm 13 weeks today, so that makes an EDD of 31 Dec!

I do however have a large fibroid which is about the size of my fist. Seeing a consultant next Thursday, so fingers crossed it will be manageable. x

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