12 week scan yesterday


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2007
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Had our 12 week scan yesterday, combined with nuchal screening. Am very happy to say that all went very well :D It just looked like a kidney bean 4 weeks ago, and now we could even see it waving its arms above its head and in front of its face! Very very cool :D
:cheer: :hug: Lovely isn't it, finally getting to 12 weeks and seeing actual features like arms and legs!!
awwww :hug: is such a great feeling aint it, makes it so much more real, feels like so long since we saw ours :( i had mine early too, at 10 weeks!!
Glad everything looks good. Hope you have a happy pregnancy.

Take Care x
princess_h said:
awwww :hug: is such a great feeling aint it, makes it so much more real, feels like so long since we saw ours :( i had mine early too, at 10 weeks!!

We had ours at 11 weeks and I still have to wait 2 weeks for the next one, it sucks :shakehead: !!!!
Glad all was well, isnt it amazing!!!! We had our first scan @ 8 weeks 2 days and she was a bean with arm and leg buds. floating about...at our nucral screen @ 13 weeks, she was doing somersaults, arms and legs kicking and we heard her heart beat loud and clear!! Blew me away!! OH was sat at the foot of bed, grabbing my feet and pointing at the screen in amazement saying "Look Zo, LOOK!!!" He was like a kid on christmas morning!! Babies are trully amazing little miracles - I am in awe of them xxxx
Many thanks for all the replies!!

Just got our final nuchal results - 1: 7823 - so very happy with this :D

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