12 week scan today!


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2011
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I had my 12 week scan
...4 hours in the hospital!!

Well the good bit was it had a heartbeat and there was only one... phew!
Well baby wouldn't sit right for the nice lady, she had me jumping up and down, doing 360's on the bed and pushing down with her scan probey thing; (not good with a full bladder) just to get it to move, it didn't so she sent us off for coffee and sugar to wake him up, when we came back he still wouldn't sit proper, so she just had to do her measurements as best she could
I was dated 5 days forward so I'm now due 7th Oct

Bad thing was it had an above average NF measurements at 3.9mm, annoying thing was she couldn't get a good measurement and she took about 6 measures of this and chose 3.9 cos it was the biggest; all the others were less than 3.5mm so we were then sent off to Antenatal unit for my bloods and 'a little chat'

With all the waiting it took 4 hours, happy we got some piccies just tinged with worry about the NF bit
Not sure I want to do amnio... not a fan of needles for a start :(
will attach pictures in a mo x
Not sure how to attach an image, do I have to host elsewhere?
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i had a nuchal fold of 2.7 and sonographer freaked me out a bit but the bloods came back as low risk, id wait until bloods come back and then make a decision if and when its needed to be made x

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