12 week scan - dates wrong?


Jun 17, 2011
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Hi guys, this is my first time on here and wanted your advice...

this is my 2nd pregnancy and had my 1st scan a couple of weeks ago....

they dated me at 11+3. however it was 4 days out according to when i had intercourse with my partner ( he'd been away for a month). according to the scan i conceived on day 7 of my cycle, but did not see my partner till day 11 (perfect time?).

has anybody else experienced this ? xx
I was put back 1 week from when I thought I was!( going by af not ov dates) You dont actually have to conceive on the day u sleep with each other I guess as sperm can survive a while lol x
i understand that , but the date they gave me - he was away i didnt see him till 4days after that. the date basically says ive conceived while he was away! which is not possible. lol xx
there is a good margin of error on predicted dates and scans, I've always wondered why we date from LMP anyway, seems daft to be counting day of conception as day 14. Some countries go from days post conception which seems better to me! there is a several day window when its possible to conceive after sex. Don't read too much into precise dates hun! Does anyone have a feel for how many people actually delivery on the due date?
Oh I c lol!! :) it's done by baby's growth so guess ur little ones a fast grower lol!
Babies have growth spurts as well so it's only a guide line really. I asked about dates at our 20 week scan and they said that it can be 2 weeks out either way and they don't worry unless growth is more or less than that. Go by your dates, my sister was put back 2 weeks but had an 8lb girl on what she predicted her due date to be, not the scan prediction!
Thanks huni, i thought it was wrong, as it would be a miracle conception. i actually had an early pregnancy scan at what i thought was 8 weeks but the sonographer said i was 9 weeks - i was so worried my partner might have thought i was cheating on him! when i had my 12 weeks scan it was only 4 days out not 7 so they have changed twice now. the sonographer on my early scan said it was accurate to the day and i left the clinic in tears! when i foned the mat unit and spoke to another sonogragher she put my mind at ease and said that they can never say exactly how far you are or whenu conceived but it is just a guildline.... feel like i should coplain about the 1st sonographer as sh has really stressed me out xx
...Does anyone have a feel for how many people actually delivery on the due date?

I think it's less than 5% last time I read, so lots of the books that I read suggest thinking about it as the month you're due rather than a specific date. I'm due on the 15th October so basically I could deliver anytime in October and still be full term etc. The chances that I'll actually deliver on the 15th are very small :)

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