12+5 scan, what's Maybe's baby??

maybe baby

Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2010
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Hi Girls! :)

I had my 12+5 scan today and it was meant to be my nuchal scan too but baby would not stop dancing!! :lol:

It was AMAZING to see, it was bouncing all over the place so I've got to do the nuchal scan again privately, which is a bummer cost wise but I don't mind as I saw a happy dancing baby!!:dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance:

Anyway, my new scan pic looks a bit like a skeleton, its a front view, as you or I would take a photo if you know what I mean....

I think it looks like it has a fairy...Let me know your thoughts...

I've also done my second pink or blue urine test and its pink again so who knows...

Roll on the gender scan! :)



  • 12+ 5 front facing medium.jpg
    12+ 5 front facing medium.jpg
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  • Gender test 2.jpg
    Gender test 2.jpg
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great pic. i cant believe how far you are now. i was going to say girl xxxxxxx
So happy that you got to see your bean. Exciting times :) xxx
thats a lovely pic nice to see it was bouncing around and happy in there xx
Beautiful scan! But I thought boy before I saw the pee test. Does it say on the pack how accurate the pee test is?
Thanks girls!:)

I don't 100% trust the test but the result has been the same for the two tests I've done so that gives me a bit more confidence that it's not just chance..

I'd say a girl too :) not because of the gendermaker but because of the nub theory xx
Maybe I'm so over the moon for you, I remember my scan with Brooke and it was amazing! I was convinced she was a boy at my first scan though!

Are you going to find out for deffo what you're having? X
Thanks girls!!:)

Deffo finding out at 16 weeks piglets mama.

Glad to hear you have an active, wriggly baby! It's all sounding great! Next stop, tri 2 :)

Hi. I've become nub obsessed recently and by the looks of your scan I'd say girl :) just wondering what the gender prediction kit is you're talking about and where you got this from. Im 14 weeks and desperate to know the gender. Sounds like fun :)
Hi Lucy, :)

It's called gender maker, it's on amazon and eBay, it comes from the states though so takes 7-10 days...

Does the nub theory count for this shot, does it not need to be a side profile?

Aww congratulations hun! Bet you're so happy and relieved now. Lovely pic... I have absolutely no idea of how to tell the sex, but I also want a gender prediction kit! Going to look at Amazon now :D xxx
Gorgeous pic!!! I think you're deffo having a girl!!! Eeek x

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