11 weeks pregnant and very scared


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2015
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I am 11+2 weeks today. Woke up this morning and noticed pick spotting. :(
Im also cramping and have back pain.
Omg it's so scary. I called 111 and they referred me to the hospital. The doc in the hospital checked my cervix and it was closed. Then did urine test and found out that I have water infection. They gave me antibiotics.

Doc could not tell me why I was spotting. It's so scary. Have booked scan tomorrow morning 9 am. I can't relax at all. :(
Oh Charlotte that must be so scary for you, I know a few people who have had pink spotting with a urine infection and all was fine. Have a restful night and try to get some sleep tonight. I'm sure all will be fine in the morning and you'll just get to see an early glimpse of your baby. Try not to worry, I know that's pointless for me to say cause of course you'll worry.
Thank you Haylian. I don't think urine infection can cause spotting can it?

Awful weekend for me. I was on the sofa yesterday and today as well. Temperature is high too 37.3 but it's because of infection.
Can't wait for morning.
Charlotte i have uti's quite often and sometimes I pass blood with it very light blood and not a lot but this was before I was pregnant. Try not to worry xx
Thank you Haylian. I don't think urine infection can cause spotting can it?

Awful weekend for me. I was on the sofa yesterday and today as well. Temperature is high too 37.3 but it's because of infection.
Can't wait for morning.

It can do as it cause blood in the urine, the temp being up would also suggest that's that's all it is, stay on the sofa, keep calm and please let us know how it goes in the morning. I'll be at work but I'll keep having a sneaky peek x
Thank you girls for cheering me up. I am on the sofa since came back from the hospital.

I hope UTI goes away after 5 days of antibiotics and so does the spotting.

Can't wait for the morning. But I so don't want to go to work.
Can you not have the day off? It's mitigated when pregnancy related. What is it you do?
I work in the office. Basically sit at the desk all day. I haven't told my manager yet. He is off next week. Ive booked Friday off to have long weekend.
How are you doing?
Oh well fingers crossed you won't mind going to work cause you'll know all is ok.
I'm ok thanks, well I'm sick as a dog haha but mostly OK :)
Sick as dog? Are you having PG symptoms? Hope you feel better soon. How far along are you ?
Are you due in March too? Have you tried dry piece of bread in the morning? Before even you open your eyes? I baked small pieces in the oven and then chew them every morning. Really helps with nausea and heartburn.
Hey Charlotte! I had quite a nasty UTI at 6 weeks pregnant, I didn't have any pain, but I had red bleeding and very small clots. Went to the docs who checked my cervix, said it was closed and there was no blood present, so they sent me away (without diagnosing the UTI). A week later I got more of the same bleeding and blood in urine when I wiped (this was regular too for a good week afterwards) so I went to OoH docs who diagnosed a UTI and put me on a 3 day course of antibiotics. They arranged a scan at the EPU for a couple of days later, got to see a tiny sac with a little heartbeat. I still had some spotting after I finished the antibiotics with the same blood in urine when wiping, so I went back to the docs. They tested my urine again and I still had a UTI so I was put on a different course of antibiotics, which finally cleared it, and I've had no more bleeding since. I had my scan on Friday, and baby was perfect, I'm now 13+1 and I'm positive that my bleeding was from my UTI, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that is the same for you and that everything with baby is fine. Keep us updated! Xx
Are you due in March too? Have you tried dry piece of bread in the morning? Before even you open your eyes? I baked small pieces in the oven and then chew them every morning. Really helps with nausea and heartburn.

Yes due in March :) 28th. What date are you due? Are you in the March thread?
I've tried bread and I've tried root arrow biscuits I think they're called. Lots of people said they were good but sadly nothing has worked. I haven't actually been sick yet thank goodness but I feel every day I get closer!

Glad all was ok with you Boobaby, that must have been really worrying for you. I think they should test a sample every time you see a Dr when you're pregnant, I know it's all about budgeting but it's only a stick to rule it out isn't it.
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Congratulations Charlotte! I'm only slightly ahead of you! How lovely we both got our positive! Xx
Hi Charlotte, I hope that everything goes well at your scan this morning, I experienced spotting when i was around 6 weeks pregnant that lasted for at least two weeks i was so worried, I went to the EPU for a scan & there was a viable pregnancy i was so relieved, They didnt know where the bleeding was coming from but they said it was old blood even though it was red, The sonographer did tell me it would dry up & luckily it did, I was told that alot of woman spot in early pregnancy without any affect on the pregnancy, Good Luck for today X
Hope everything's okay Charlotte. Thinking of you and sending you big hugs xxx
Sorry girls for late reply. Had a very busy day at work.

I had a scan this morning and the baby is fine. :)

They could not see anything that could cause spotting and cramping. Then later after the scan doctor explained to me that spotting was because of UTI and cramps actually we're not real cramps. It's my kidneys hurting.

So happy girls! :) Taking antibiotics for 5 days and then will do another urine test.

Baby is due on 07.03.2018 :)
Thank you girls for your support. :hug:

Harriet how far along are you?

Haylian I'm not in March thread yet. Will join you girls

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