11 days overdue - Benjamin David finally born 04.01.15


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Jul 2, 2014
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Well, the day before I was due to go in for my induction my waters finally broke at 6.15am on sunday 4th January morning and arrived at hospital at 7am. I was only 2cm dilated which was a shock as I was convinced I'd be at least 4! The mw offered me the birthing pool for pain relief - considering I hadn't given much thought to using a pool it was fab and I'm erally glad I did. It is true what they say about leaving your dignity at the door when you're in labour - I just stripped off and got in, which is so not like me!

Spent the day getting in and out of the pool, on the gas and air and trying to enjoy it! I had taken a CD with me so it was nice having some chilled out music on and laying in the water. The pain really ramped up though and I opted to have some diamorphone - which I had been adamently against throughout my pregnancy but mw convinced me it was so early in my labour it shouldn't affect the baby too much so I agreed. I don't think it really took any pain away though, just made me care less, loL!

By 7pm I was still only 4cm and was set up on a hormone drip to speed things up. I decided it was time for an epidural too, I couldn't believe how much the pain had progressed in such a short time.

Everything was going fine for a couple of hours until I started with a high temperature and there was concern that it could be sepsis so I was put on an antibiotic drip. Baby's heart rate dropped way down to 60 odd beats per minute which was really worrying, and it hadn't picked up after 10 minutes. Before I knew it I had about 8 people in the room and was being told they were going to try a forcep delivery as they thought I was 10cm - when they checked I was only 9cm and they weren't happy to wait any more due to being concened about baby's distress so was taken in for an emergency c-section.

Hubby was given some theatre scrubs and was so worried bless him. I've never seen him look so pale and helpless. I must've been a bit in shock at how things were going as I just lay there quietly and waited for them to get on with it.

Benjamin David was finally born by c-section at 11.37pm on 04.01.15. He came out screaming and healthy and I cried I was so relieved. Turns out when they checked his blood oxygen levels he had been fine and just gave us a bit of a scare - at 11 days overdue he still wasn't ready to come out and that was his protest lol! My temperature returned to normal when I was in recovery so no infection thankfully. I was so dazed but the time in recovery with just me, hubby and baby was amazing.

I stayed in the maternity ward until I was discharged on Tuesday evening. I'm very sore and very tired but have never been happier. I had no idea how much pain I'd be in after the section but it was still so worth it. This week has been a bit of a whirlwind with the mw, hv and family visiting but really enjoying being a mummy. Best job in the world :love::love:
Congratulations! Sorry that your birth didn't go so well, but the end result is so worth it. Get as much rest as you can and take it really easy while you recover (I had an emcs too) xxx
Aww lovely, congratulations on your little man xx

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