10 year olds!


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2007
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Not sure if anyone can help cos it's not a usual situation, but basically i live with my parents, 14 years old brother and 10 year old sister.

I'm really concerned about how she's going to react when Tally is here. She's awful at the moment, she was having a go at my mum a few weeks back saying she was paying my brother more attention then her when my mum was asking him about school etc.

She cried cos my mum refused to come in and "puff" her pillows up, She shouts at everyone for "eating too loudly", she cried yesterday cos she couldnt have ice cream for dessert. If shes gone to bed and your talking in the kitchen or another bedroom, she comes in, slams the door and shouts she's trying to sleep.

She simply cannot cope if anyone else is getting attention, she even trys to stop my mum paying my dad attention!!

I dont know how shes going to cope when Tally is here and everyone is paying her attention, she's not my mums but, especailly at first, my mum is going to be helping me if i need it and i know that regardless she will be paying her attention.

Anyone know how to combat this and her being upset etc? Or if they were worried about this but the child has actually been good about baby?

Even reading this you'd think i was talking about a young child but she's 10, i already find it hard with how dependent she still is on my mum for everything, she wont pick her own clothes out, get dressed in her own room, she wont go to bed unless my mum reads to her and tucks her in, and she sucks her thumb 24/7. At her age i wouldnt let my mum in my room, i put myself to bed etc, and she was born a week before my 10th birthday, i dont know if it was because i'd lived with my brother for so long but i loved having her and being involved, i just dont think she's willing to share attention :wall:
I haven't been in your situation but perhaps you can try involving her, even now.. maybe take her shopping and let her pick out clothes. empahasise how important a role she is going to play in your LO's life.. afterall she is going to be an Aunty!!! When Tally is here include her in doing things for her. Just an idea anyway. Good luck :hug: :hug:
Yeah thats a good idea, i took her to my last appointment with the midwife and i let her feel my belly when she wants.

I guess im praying she'll suprise me and show me how grown up she can be, i dont think i could cope with her making a fuss and learning how to be a mum to Tally
No def not, I would try involve her but if she was to carry on and make a fuss about not getting attention then I would maybe speak to your mum. In fact have you spoken to her yet? It maybe an idea to do that so if your lil sis does cause problems once Tally arrives your both on the same page as to how to handle it :)
Give her cuddles explain how exciting it is that shes going to be a Auntie! Make a big deal of the being a Auntie rather than losing being the baby of the familly thing. Tell her your going to need her to be really grown up because you need her help. Explain how you felt when your mum was going to have her and how excited you were. Shes only 10 she probably wants attention for being good but when It comes down to it if shouting and screaming like a baby is the way to get it then she will do that instead. :hug: Hope it all goes well.

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