Hey darlings, found the free wifi! Just a quick question. As of yesterday my boobs hurt less! Is this normal as I'm nearing the end of tri one or is this bad!!!! X
Hi hun I'm 10+5 today too and my symptoms are gone too, never really had any in the first place other than sore boobs. The only thing I have right now is a little excess gas lol and it's uncomfortable to lay on my side... Other than that it's all good. Tri 2 is nearly in sight!!!! Xx
Thank you ladies, I thought probably normal but I am a holiday panicer, booked a scan for next sat, private, as my nhs one isn't till 13 plus 1 xx excited and newrvous x
I'm feeling much better too now hun, finally the belly aches have gone and tiredness is even easing up! I'm starting to realise how rough i've felt for the last month!
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