10 month old babies


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2006
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how much does yours eat?

Other than breastmilk I am still struggling to get Alex to eat food.

At the moment he eats 1/3 of a jar of food for breakfast
1/3 jar of food for lunch
1/3 of a jar of food for dinner, plus 1 petit filou yoghurt

(the jars are the ones designed for 7 month old babies)

Plus breastmilk whenever he feels like it.

It's such an uphill struggle!

This amount is a big improvement over 2 weeks ago though, when he was only eating half of a 4 month old jar plus 1 yoghurt a day!! But still it's frustrating and I wish he'd eat more. It doesn't help that my mother keeps telling me he looks skinny and malnourished :(

At least he's finally starting to come around to having savoury food though - he's not purely demanding fruit ones now, thank god.

So please tell me, any of you that have 9 or 10 month olds, how much do they eat a day?
Hi Xena - sounds like yourhaving a really hard time with Alex :hug:

Imogen has a bottle first thing in the morning, then about a hour later some 10 months+ cereal - the grainy banana one.

Lunch typically will be a months jar with 2 baby yoghurts

She will munch on fruit in the afternoon, strawberries, pineapple, apple typically.

Then for tea she will have another jar with yogurts and if shes hungry before bedtime, i will giver her either cereal or another bottle.

Hope that helps.

Imogens not the biggest baby in thr world, but her diets fine and isnt skinny or ought, i dont think alex looks any of what your mum said :hug:
It's hard to tell how much DS was getting at that age because we did BLW. He had cereal in the morning, then half a sandwich for lunch and a smaller portion of what we had for dinner in the evening. A lot of what I gave him ended up on the floor though.

As long as Alex is healthy, putting weight on and having regular wet & dirty nappies I wouldn't worry to much.

Did you try any BLW in the end? Maybe try giving him a bit of bread or rice cake to eat in between (or after) meals. If you're really worried, maybe mention something to your HV?
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Here's how we're getting on Xena - clicky.

Finger foods or homemade foods sounds like it could be the way to go? Could he try small bits of what Lydia eats?

Valentine Xxx
yeh he does sometimes eat what we eat but he finds it really difficult unless they're in tiny tiny pieces, so one small piece of chicken for example takes AGGEEEEEESSSS for him because I have to turn it into miniscule bits.

I know he's supposed to be able to use his gums to chew, but he doesn't seem to be getting the hang of that He insists on trying to just swallow without chewing, and then ends up choking.

I don't know if it's to do with the fact that he still has no teeth.

Also he never puts anything in his mouth (apart from him foot). So if there is food in front of him, he will look at it, or smush it up with his hand, or throw it on the floor....anything but put it in his mouth! So even if he eats what we're eating, I have to put tiny amounts of it in his mouth for him.

I have discovered that he likes his food copiously covered in bbq sauce though haha, that was a weird discovery. Lydia is the same though, she's really into bbq sauce - I should have figured Alex would be the same, it never occurred to me.

maybebaby I did have the health visitor round at the beginning of May because I was so concerned about his eating. At that point he was eating next to nothing - 2 or 3 mouthfuls of food a day at most. She weighed him and said he had dropped percentiles quite greatly but just to keep persisting. She then rang me at the end of May to see how I was getting on, and he'd upped the amount he was taking a little bit, so she said again just to keep trying.

Thanks all of you for your responses. I guess he IS getting some food down, so maybe it's just a case of trial and error. I've never experienced anything like this with Lydia, she's always eaten pretty much anything and everything, so it has been quite daunting for me to experience Alex's reluctance to take solids!
Hi Xena!!! :wave:

We had a real struggle with Danica until a couple of weeks ago. She was just so rarely in the mood for solids. And then she got urinaru infection and went off solids completely. :(
But now she is eating well (for her size).
She has bottle when she wakes up, then an hour later some toast+Plum mango and banana or blueberry+vanila (or smth similar). Very often she doesn't eat all of it - she can be very fussy in the morning. And who can blame her?! :D

Then she has bottle at 11. I know she shouldn't be having it but she asks for it, or better still, screames for it.

At 12.30 she has lunch: usually whole Ella's kitchen+ toast+tomato+cheeze+fish/biths of chicken or something similar.

At 3pm she has bottle again: not supposed to have it but...

At 5pm she has dinner: either something home made or half of Hipp organic jar+toast+cheeze+cucumber/tomato/pepper...+some fruit puree.

And she has her last bottle before bed!
Willow just shoves down whatever she's given- today she had a big bowl of porridge, then a light lunch- half a ciabatta with peppers and a banana- then for dinner she had a bowl of potatoes cabbage and corn. She has booby whenever she wants- usually a big feed in the morning and evening, and snacking through the day and before naps. Mind you, she was always destined to be a big eater- both her father and I like our food very much :lol: hopefully she'll inherit our metabolism too :pray: :lol:

I must say though, she ate far far better one her teeth were through
omg food...

Early morning - bottle, 7 or 8oz
Breakfast - toast (1 slice of bread) or a couple of fromage frais if we're out
Lunch - 1 jar (stage 1), 1 fruit tub or actual banana, and some rusks/strawberries/organix crisps etc.. finger foods
Afternoon snacks - Finger food tastic, so mostly bits of fruit/rusks/organix crisps or whatever depending whether we are home or out
Dinner - 1 stage 2 jar, 1 stage 1 jar or fromage frais or fruit pot
Supper - bottle, about 5oz

he's a hungry boy but still manages to stay slim
Asher is 9 months but I thought I'd say what he does as he's a similar age.

Milk feed upon waking.
Breakfast, weetabix with homemade fruit puree.
Typical Lunch; homemade haddock with creamy leek sauce, and water to drink
Mid afternoon milk feed
Typical Dinner; homemade chicken with carrot and apple, fromage frais or yoghurt for dessert. water to drink.
Milk feed before bed.

Other meals that he loves are;
sardines with lentils and tomato
fruity pork casserole.

Maybe try Alex with some pureed vegetables. Stuff you mash/puree/blend at home, has a much different texture and taste to the jars. He might prefer it.

leckershell said:
omg food...

Early morning - bottle, 7 or 8oz
Breakfast - toast (1 slice of bread) or a couple of fromage frais if we're out
Lunch - 1 jar (stage 1), 1 fruit tub or actual banana, and some rusks/strawberries/organix crisps etc.. finger foods
Afternoon snacks - Finger food tastic, so mostly bits of fruit/rusks/organix crisps or whatever depending whether we are home or out
Dinner - 1 stage 2 jar, 1 stage 1 jar or fromage frais or fruit pot
Supper - bottle, about 5oz

he's a hungry boy but still manages to stay slim

Lol thats what Oran was like except he used to eat 2 stage 2 jars (mains and pudding) at lunch AND tea :shock: but never got chunky lol and is still skiny now, he eats more than his 2.5 yr old cousin as long as I dont put fruit or veg infront of him :rotfl: (im manageing to mash the veg and disguise it now :wink: ) but he wil eat a FULL cheese sandwhich at lunch WITH crusts, a yoghurt (adult sized one) and a good half a packet or Organix (a full one if I let him lol) he is soooo greedy, but clearly has his dads metabolabism not mine thank god!

Xena, Oran was eating alot more than that but was always a good eater, even with no teeth but he got them at 5 months so was still on pureed then so cant comment on how he would have got on with solids and no teeth. I would just say keep perserving. Try putting soft bread infront of him daily and he might start picking it up at some point and then it might make him more curious?

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