10 dpo and tested


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2012
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I know I know, 10 dpo and I could not resist the urge to poas :wall2: surprise surprise ultra sensitive internet cheapie was a clear :bfn:

I know there was a small chance this month anyway due to when we :bd: and when i ov'd, but there was always the possibility in my mind that there was an outside chance. I've been very :nap: all weekend, and slept loads, but then I do have a teething 2 year old whos not sleeping at the mo and didnt get much sleep all week. I never really had symptoms with ds either so I dont ss as a rule.

I really dont hold out much hope for this month now even though I know I may have tested too early (I got my ds bfp on a cheapie on 11dpo btw). I just cant shake that its not going to happen this time feeling, on countdown to the :witch:arrival and onto next month (when at least there is no footie to compete with :) )
I dis the same, started testing early, as I too got my bfp with my dd at 11dpo- but after a few staring white bfn I stopped. I didn't really have any symptoms that I had with my other 2 so knew at 12dpo for sure I was out.

You still have time and promising symptoms, when are you going to test again?
Ah someone just like me - just looked up my bfp pics from ds and the cheapies were so feint!

All i noticed with ds was a slight increased sense of smell, only tested to see whether I could have a drink or three!

This time ive had seriously bad cramps again today, but I cant bear to see another stark white space... trying to hold off till Thurs now and use FRER instead
probably for the best, those white spaces are horrible.......

I'm telling myself I won't do it this cycle, but I probably will! lol I should get DH to hide my tests until I am at least 12dpo! Last cycle I tested 13dpo, and had the test on the side developing while I checked my cp (as you do, lol) and found early AF spotting - so binned the test immediately! lol. Next time I will check the cp first to save wastng a test ;)

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