10 days later


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2015
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So its been ten days since miscarriage. I haven't had any rest I carried on as normal. I didn't want to have another week off work for another miscarriage. Maybe I've been too harsh on myself though, I have been having such problems and can't really get anyone to understand, I'm struggling to poo, I have now got thrush again and today woke up with really sore lower abdominal pain like bruised. When I mean that have had no rest I really mean it the weekend I had the miscarriage I was at brother in laws wedding miles from home weekend after someone else's wedding. I'm not sure what to do tbh I am due on work at 12. I feel run down and worried why I have this abdominal pain. Bleeding stopped last week
Hey Hun sorry your feeling so rubbish I'm about 10 days on from when started bleeding, maybe you should get checked out incase you haven't passed everything? Have you done a test? Usually if negative it's complete, maybe could of got a infection worth getting checked if feel bruised xx
Yes I did rest yesterday all negative, I just feel so run down, and no one to talk to, I wish I just had time to rest. I have a two year I just feel as though it happened and everyone just forgets and I've carried on as normal, and become so run down. It's my second miscarriage in two months. It's happened at 5 weeks both times, firat time I had a week off second no time off. Have u had any time off work xx
This is my second MC I had one tho then had dd then started trying again and it's happened again, both mine aswell have happened at 5 weeks absolutely gutting it is Hun, I'm petrified I try again and it happens again duno how I'll cope! I'm still waiting for my test to go back to negative, I haven't had any time of with either Hun no just carried on with both , I no what you mean people just forget even my oh this time hasn't been so effected second time round, and all friends just say you will have another baby, it's so common, and all that crap that at the mo doesn't make me feel any better!! I am just going to start trying again straight away and try hope for the best, that's the only thing that keeps me going trying again! It's so annoying it's all I think about before I go sleep then I wake up and first thing I think is this shit is real! So depressing it is! Maybe you should just have couple days of to just rest Hun it's a big thing on our body's, I'm guessing you caught straight away after first then? Do you have children? X
Yes I have a two year old. First pregnancy was fine except I'm rhesus negative. I get pregnant really easily I was pregnant a week after last miscarriage but can't get past 5 weeks. I just feel like something is wrong with these sore abdomen pain and thrush too. I'm seeing Dr at half 10 xx
Wow you sound like me! I have a 2 year old aswell, I'm also rhesus negative! Do you think that has anything to do with it! I don't think it does my friend is also r negative and she's had no MC and 2 baby's, I also get pregnant really easily usually as soon as we try I get pregnant! It did take me 6 weeks to ovulate tho after my 1st MC but then went into have another, you must ovulate really quickly! My pregnancy tests still arnt negative from this MC I'm hoping they hurry up so can start trying again and ovulating , maybe your body just wasn't ready getting pregnant a week after MC maybe it hadn't recovered , yeah it's good your going to see doctor get checkedx
Yeah, really we have loads of similarities. Yes I am hoping they'll do some tests on me check I'm ok. Yes I'm ovulating at the moment I had a wee on ov stick yesterday cos I had increased discharge. Sotry for tmi and it was positive for Lh surge. I don't think I want to try again so quick although Dr's said I can but I am worried if I do, my abdomen feels so sore inside. I have been crying about it all. X
Ohh wow that's really quick isn't it to ovulate that's good, how long did it take for your pregnancy tests to go back negative? Mines still positive , I use opk I love them! But there not going to give me a true reading when my pregnancy tests are still positive so want them to hurry up and go negative! Maybe wait this cycle then try next give your body abit more chance to recover seen as you've had 2 in a row, it's so annoying isn't it all you think is why! What's wrong with me!!! Hopefully they'll do so tests you could of caught a infection maybe as your quiet open to them with cervix being open with MC x
Maybe, just hope they can find out. First carriage took three days for tests to be negative. Second test was negative immediately. Dr said that embryo must have died before 5 weeks but took till 5 weeks to bleed so I didn't know. The body is a funny thing isn't it. I just can't understand why this happens when I had a first pregnancy especially twice in a row. You can see why I thought work would think it was strange if I went in 5 weeks later and said id had another miscarriage. Most people don't get pregnant this quick like with u, I felt as though they wouldn't believe me xx
They are strange things our body's, I'm finding it particularly harder because my best friend was 4 weeks ahead of me we were so excited to be pregnant together and then this happens, I just keep dwelling on it and keep telling myself to get over it but it hard, yeah with my first my tests went negative almost immediately , so think the embryo died pretty quickly I started spotting about 4 days after I got positive but didn't bleed until 5 weeks, this time I spotted at 5+3 but my tests continued to go darker then at 6 weeks passed the sac so thing my hcg levels continued getting stronger so baby mustn't if died instantly, it's a hard thing you keep rethinking what's wrong with my and why it's happened again, and I'm sorry I don't have much positive to say as I'm in same shit boat, I don't get why it's happened again after I had a healthy baby I really thought I've had one I've had my share it won't happen again but it has! I'm petrified of it happening again but I just try take comfort in I've had one good pregnancy so I no my body can do it, and just keep thinking something must of been right with that egg, and I also try and think that I'm glad it's happened early rather that say 9/10 weeks which would of been a lot harder I think, and just think I'm glad my body recognises early in something isn't right, but right now that still doesn't make me feel better! I just think what is bloody wrong why it happened again! X
Yeah I feel like that, I was in the doctors for 45 mins. They wanted me to have all usual swap carry on, for infections. And feeling of pelvic walls etc
Dr was a last year trainee I was crying he was so kind to me. He's wanting me to come back tomorrow to talk to him as he said two miscarriages are a strain mentally. I've got antibiotics as he thinks I've got infected after the last miscarriage he said its common though, he gave me a sick not for a week. So that's relief that I can rest. I know how u feel, Dr said to wait till after tests complete to try again. Maybe it's just not meant to be atm for.me.xxx
Oh Hun that's nice the doctor was so nice and think he is right best waiting until tests come back ok, that's good you've got a week of work use it to just relax and rest your body two is a strain on yourself, well I duno if you've seen my post in first trimester but I'm confused as to whether I'm still pregnant, I really am, I have scan tomoz so only time will tell but I defo passed a sac so if I am still pregnant then it must of been twins, I've done a digi just and got 3+ I don't think I'd still be getting that if I'd MC my head is totally batters I can't focus x
I've replied to your first trimester post I'm just I'm bed I feel so drained them anti biotics have given me bad heart burn it's made me sick. I feel like an 80 year old woman. No you wouldn't be getting that if you were no longer pregnant. How bizarre xxx
It's very bizarre I've been out to pass day away with little girl! Jeez ant wait for her go bed I don't have much patience today!!! Tomoz needs to hurry up x
I know the feeling my little tot is still awake. She's singing away lol if I only had that amount of energy I could get loads done. You'll have to let me know how the scan goes ill have my fingers crossed for u xxx
I will do Hun, mines just gone to bed thank god! She was full of it! Hope your feeling abit better after a peaceful day x
Hey hun, you need to rest. You and your body needs to restore itself. I took almost 3 weeks off work after my MC. On sick again now, almost a month after due to me thinking I was ok and im not deep down. Listen to your body and rest rest rest. xxxxxxxxx
Thank u yasmin I am off work for a week now so I can recoop and have some rest from rushed lifestyle xx

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