1 month on....


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Jul 13, 2010
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I'm new to all this but just feeling I need some support from people who have been through similar experiences.

It's been just over a month since we went for our 12 wk scan with our first baby and found out we had lost the baby which was a big shock as I felt so pregnant and really well - was so upstet. We went back to the hospital the next day for pills to start the medical management and returned two days later. The medical didn't work and after a horrible night in hospital they decided to give me surgery the next day. I recovered well after the surgery and had a further week of work to recover.

I've been back to work for three weeks now but I feel worse than I did to start with, can't stop crying and just feel so sad. I'm also having family troubles as my parents split up the weekend before the scan which was a shock after 40 years of a happy marriage. My dad's been having an affair and i'm just so sad for my mum but she's doing well and is moving closer to where I live. Feeling like I've lost my dad as not been in touch during all of this - so angry.

Can't wait to start trying again going for a colcoscopy next week as also got some cells to sort out before we go for it again as want this cleared up before we try again.

Anyway sorry for going on, just wanted to see if getting this off my chest would help as I'm so emotional and also angry which isn't like me. :sad:

Oh hon, so sorry for ur loss. I had a m/c back in Jand and am now expecting again and I still have bad days thinking about it. I think when you sre still 'going through the process' of the m/c or medial management you have that to deal with but the emotions do come a bit later as ur finding. Take time to grieve because you need to and keep talking to OH - I found that he was hurting too and it helped us to talk it through.

Thinking of u and we're all here if u need us xxx
Hi Beccles

First of all I am so sorry for your loss :hug:

It is normal to feel so upset and be tearful and you clearly have other stress' in your life right now. I'm sorry about your parents situation but how lovely your Mum appears to have you to be near for support. Dad may be embarrassed to face up to his faults and that is why you haven't heard from him (a complete guess as I don't know you personally). Still :(

Good luck with your future journey a happy positive one, try to look forward as hard as it seems at first it can be good.

Rant away sometimes it's not the answer that helps but the fact you've taken a good bash that helps, I do it often although usually to myself (not so private here for me).

:hug: again x
hi hun just wonted to send some big loves i have mc 3 times now so i know jow hard it is. i still find my self geting upset from time to time but it does get better. fingers crossed it will happen for u soon am sure it will lots and love xxxxxxxxxx
Ahh I really feel for you as I was reading your post. :hugs:

I had a Missed MC at 11 plus 5 too in march this year. I think you try to cope and just get on with it as best you can and then it's not till after things have settled down that it really hits you what has happened and how could this have happened to you when things were all fine and you were nearly there.

Rather than having a break from PF, I think coming on here every day and posting, talking, being supportive to others, really helped me through things, you can talk freely without anyone in your private life knowing your problems, and it really does help. (I see it as PF therapy - and it's free!)

When I decided to start trying again, it was the turning point for me , and took me back out of limbo, feeling like a pregnant women who is not pregnant. It gave me that focus back on my baby goal. you really will be there again Hun.

Wishing you luck with your cells thingy and look forward to seeing you in Team TTC when you are ready X
Thank you all for all the lovely messages - has really helped! I've told my boss today how I'm feeling as after being on BF and all the advice given doesn't make me feel as tho I'm being silly and shouldn't be feeling like this.

She's been very understanding and is gonna give me lots of support through this, so feeling better that she doesn't think I'm just being a grumpy emotional wreck all the time.

Thank you all again xxx

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