1/2 hr of intermittent pain to side of womb area - worrying


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2008
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I am a little worried now - it would have been my 2nd period this month (but obviously not as im pregnant :wink: ) and this morning i had a pain to my left side of womb area, a tiny cramping pain that came for 2 seconds and then went again, came on again about 2 minutes later and went after 2 seconds again - This only happened for about half an hour after i got up then later felt a bit of a rumble and it went . Have been fine all day (after being rather constipated this morning)

Could it have just been trapped wind or should i be worrying to bits that it may be eptopic (my biggest fear as ive always had ovulation pains to that very same side and always been a little nervous).

Any idea's? Now ive typed it up i'm worrying more :(
1st midwife app't is next week
I remember having them kind of pains on my right side!
Im sure everything will be just fine! :hug: :hug: :hug:
it could well be constipation. I had a pain on my left side the other day that was really niggling me. After a trip to the loo for a no. 2 it went.
I've had an early scan so knew it couldn't be an ectopic.
Hopefully yours is constipation -eat a few figs, and I'm sure it'll be gone :hug:
Aw, I'm sure its nothing. I had niggling pains so I went to the walk-in centre where luckily, a midwife was on duty. She prodded my stomach and said 'nope, def not ectopic, if it was you would be on the ceiling with my poking you'. I think its probably just stretching pains. I still have them but had a scan since then and everything is normal. I do get a lot of trapped wind and that is painful! :oops:

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