

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2011
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So fed up at the min struggling with my autistic son and hubby doesn't know what else to do we love him unconditionally but it's so hard trying to explain things to an 8 year old who is like a 5 year old and doesn't understand the world he has now been diagnosed with asthma and eczema along with my hubby having type 1 diabetes a psoriasis I have the mil trying to tell him what to use on his skin when we have a dermatologist for that all because his sister has dermatitis and mil thinks it's ok to tell him to use her skin treatments!!!!! Being type 1 he needs to be careful what he uses in case it affects his bloods!!! They are 2 different skin conditions for Christ sake they both have separate dermatologists and j really don't need any more crap to deal with really thank you very much!!!! Also having mw apps every 4 weeks doesn't help along with drs for Thomas apps for hubby I'm totally exhausted hubby let me lay in on sat until 11 and mil moaned about that I'm sorry I'm pregnant and running around after everyone else as well as me I think I deserve it!!! I will be glad when she buggers off on holiday for 3 weeks if I'm honest shes pissing me off!!! Sorry for the rants girls I just needed to vent xxxx
Waaaaa I wanna scream for you! You deserve to rest! X
I know try telling her that!!!!! Thank you my lovely xxx
They don't seem to understand do they? I have no other kids at all to look after and am exhausted, you must be superwoman lol. Could you tell her how you feel? Or ask oh to tell her not to stress u out? X
Hi vickib

Sorry to hear you are having a stressful time. I wanted to reply because I saw your post and felt I could relate.
My son also has autism, he is 9, his maturity age is a lot lower than actual age and It can be very difficult to explain things and to get through the day.
You deserve a break and some rest, the MIL should let you deal with things how you want to, you know best afterall xx Hope things get a little easier and you have a break when shes away xx
Thank you for your message nice to know I'm not the only one around with an autistic child sometimes lol xxx
So sorry to hear you're feeling like that. Do you ever get respite care for you son??, is there somewhere near you he could maybe go for a "long weekend holiday"?? ( sorry if thats an offensive suggestion - just thought it might give you a break, - and help him if he was picking up on you're stress which i know a lot of autistic kids can do.)

hope you feel better soon. :hugs:
Hi no that's not offended me so don't worry :) we don't have much where we live so no he doesn't usually he isn't too bad but at the min he's being very difficult I think the asthma and eczema has pushed him over he is struggling with his breathing and very itchy as well and he can't understand why its all of a sudden happened xxx
Our company provides respite for parents with autistic or disabled children. It's often a couple of hours after school once or twice a week. It doesn't sound like much but it helps. His school, GP or support worker should be able to help you arrange something. One of the children we attend goes out for the time, another stays at home but it gives his mum time with her daughter, to have a sleep or do housework or shopping.

You need a break hunny, there's only so much you can do.

And as for your MIL, do you want me to come round and :poke: xxxxxxxxx
Thank you for your message nice to know I'm not the only one around with an autistic child sometimes lol xxx

I know what you mean; it really does feel like that sometimes doesnt it?!? :confused: xx
Hi no that's not offended me so don't worry :)

Thank goodness, some people feel like suggesting respite is like suggesting their not doing things properly - but it really can be helpful for everyone involved.

Could you ask MIL to do something with Thomas - maybe then she'd appreciate how difficult everything is just now, and you'd get a wee bit of a break??

All you get off her because she's looked autism up on the net is that you can't get cross with him it's just how he is!!!! Sorry but loOking up on the net and living with it all the time are 2 different things!!!!! They know how hard he is but they don't think about me they see him on a Sunday for about 4 hours and that's it that's nothing at all xxx
Google should hand out certificates, a few surfs and everyone's an expert :hug:
Lmao thanks for that that's just made me literally lol!!!!!! Xx

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