Recent content by rachie34

  1. R

    Jamie Lewis is here!!!!

    Jamie is lovely, Good luck for the future and congratulations on your little man X
  2. R

    40 weeks still here

    Hiya Kayl, My fingers are crossed for you going into labour naturally. On one of my daughters i was booked in to be induced but on the morning it was supposed to happen she came by herself with a fantastic 6 hour labour!!! Keep going honey, Baby will be here sooner than you can say abc. Love...
  3. R

    Struggling to name a baby girl!!

    I like clara. Our little girl is going to be called 'leah ruby' what do people think?
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  6. R

    WHY ME!! Y MY BABY!!!

    honey i am so sorry to have to hear that. life can be very cruel and there arent any answers which are going to make you feel any better im afraid. you need to be strong for your family, your little boy needs you to stay strong honey. *hugs* If you ever need to chat PM me anytime. look after...
  7. R

    owen is here

    Big congratulations, What a beautiful little boy! well done. Lovely name too.
  8. R

    Baby girl

    Wow congratulations :) Glad you and baby are doing well. Good luck for the future X
  9. R

    Good time waster & very annoying!!

    oh my god! how frustrating lol. Ive managed to get past the dancing fella(with the help of OH lol i was getting stressed)... what are the right numbers?? Please help!!
  10. R

    Brookes now in heaven x

    Jo, I can totally relate to you. I lost my sons twin, Katie at 6 months old. Losing a child is thee worst kind of pain any mother could feel in her life. I know at the minute you are probaly feeling very down and empty and you probaly have a thousand questions running through your head-the...
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    tell me what you think!

    Im not really too keen on either really, sorry- at the end of the day it dont matter what others think, go with whichever names you like..others are going to have to like it or lump it!
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    Hiya girls im not 19 years old(i wish i was) I do also admire you determination and maturity. I have two daughters that have children, ones 21 and has a 4 year old and 2 year old(shes 2 today) and my other is 19 and has a 2 year old and 6 month old, my 19 year old is a single mum and had all...
  13. R


    Sami, you poor girl. I am also suffering with spd but it doesnt sound as bad as yours. I have been on crutches and had physio. Somedays i feel fine and can do my normal everyday things withuot a problem, then otherdays i cant evan get out of bed, i stop half way up the stairs and think i...
  14. R

    my due date is November 21

    Im 26 weeks gone and my due date is also November 21st - seams so close yet so far away!!!
  15. R


    Ive just been reading through a few posts here and just thought id share my teenage 'experiences'... I fell pregnant at 13 with my first child, i was very scared and thought if i pretended it wasnt happening it would go away....9 months later it didnt go away, a beautiful little girl came...