tell me what you think!


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2005
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Just wanted to know how you felt about the 2 names we have chosen for our little love!
My husband is pakistani et muslim, and I want something which can fit in both societies and cultures, and it has to start with an M...too long to explain, sorry!

Anyway, as I am not british myself, i would really like you to tell me what you think of them, as we live in UK!

For a boy: Mehdi
For a girl: Maheen

Please, don't hesitate to be honest...otherwise I would not ask! :)

Take care,

Mel xx
Im not really too keen on either really, sorry- at the end of the day it dont matter what others think, go with whichever names you like..others are going to have to like it or lump it!
hey i like the girl name but not so keen on the boys was browsing on a names page and as you wanted maybe a muslim name came across Mashal for a boy thought that was nice. also for girls liked maleeha and maazina. But you should go for what you both like.
Take care
Hi Melhoney

I think they're really sweet names. I am in the same position as you - although I am English and my husband is Pakistani - and we're going to start searching for names soon too. I think that muslim/asian names are more common in this country now which allows more scope. I think as long as it's easy enough to say them there's not too much problem.

I'll let you know what we come up with

Louise x
Melhoney I really like your choices, especially Mehdi. I agree with Louise, muslim names are becoming more common in UK. I have not heard of the two you have picked but they are cute.
Melhoney I really like your choices, especially Mehdi. I agree with Louise, muslim names are becoming more common in UK. I have not heard of the two you have picked but they are cute. I wish I could get my names chosen!!!
thanks everyone for your comments :)

I know that muslim names are much more accepted nowadays, but me being French, it is difficult to know what nice names are for a different country, which ones are easy to pronounce, etc... For eg, in France, Mehdi has become quite fashionable in the muslim community, it does not sound too old-fashionned, but for British, it might be a different story, and our child is going to live in Uk, so i want him/her to not be rejected just because of the name we will give this child!

Blackfairykitten, I had thought about Maleeha, but I don't like the H in the name because you have to pronounce it really hard and i just don't like the sound of it! But thanks for the suggestion :)

Louise, there are plenty of good websites for baby muslim names, for girls or boys, and they also tell you the meaning of each. i'll try to find them again, as they are in my favorites in Uk, not here in Pakistan, but I am sure you can find a lot just through google.

Thanks again to all of you for taking the time to answer my post, and hope you are all well!

Take care,

mel xx
I like mehdi. i love the name aaishah for muslim name for a girl, soooooo pretty.
thanks for that :)

Well, I can't choose Aisha, because that's my husband's sister's name!!! and I had my scan yesterday (15th week) and it looks like we are having a little girl,so...Maheen seems to be the winner (though I also love Mehdi and if we have a girl, will have to have another baby to try for a boy!!!!!)

take care,

Mel xx

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