Recent content by RachelJ

  1. RachelJ

    birth certificates

    Hi Loula, my understanding is: - if the mother and father are married, either can register the birth and name both parents without the other one needing to be there; - if unmarried, only the mother can register the birth and the father needs to be there if you're wanting to put his name on.
  2. RachelJ

    birth certificates

    Not sure whether anyone can help but thought I would ask! I stiill use my ex-husband's surname - mainly because when we divorced I couldn't be bothered to go through all the rigmarole of changing back to my maiden name. My baby will take my fiance's surname and this is what will be on his...
  3. RachelJ

    less than 100 days to go!

    I've not been on for a while - been having really bad days worrying and stressing about everything and nothing, and sometimes I find that I just want to shut myself off; however, have just logged in and seen my ticker which has told me I have only 95 days till EDD!! HOW EXCITED???!!! xxx:dance:
  4. RachelJ

    I'm so excited

    What a lovely gift to share! You (and joanne1982) are going to have the best day! Enjoy! x
  5. RachelJ

    Room for a little one?

    Congratulations & welcome! x
  6. RachelJ

    can't stop crying

    thanks ladies - sorry you're all going through the tears too (but glad to find out I'm not the only one) x
  7. RachelJ

    can't stop crying

    I am so fed up with feeling low, lonely, stressed and useless - surely all this hormonal stuff should be over and done with by now?
  8. RachelJ

    It's 04.20 and I can't bloody sleep!!!

    bless you - it's the most annoying thing when all you need is some sleep and it just doesn't come. x
  9. RachelJ

    Another heart scan tomorrow! :-(

    Hope all goes well x
  10. RachelJ

    baby moved! .. i think lol

    hoorah for the most wonderful feeling in the world!
  11. RachelJ

    Baby getting hiccups?

    At one point in my first pregnancy, I went to my midwife and asked if they could run any tests to see if the baby had epilepsy as he was constantly (and rhythmically) making small sharp jumps inside me - i was really worried. Then she explained that this was hiccups! It's the maddest thing in...
  12. RachelJ

    20 Week scan at 10:10 **UPDATED**

    looks like a little pinkie to me!
  13. RachelJ

    Family :S

    keep calm and stay true to your own opinions; I spent a long time giving too much airspace to the "suggestions" and "advice" of others during my first pregnancy and it's one of my biggest regrets that I didn't assert my own authority, choices and methods from the very beginning. x
  14. RachelJ

    Is a hippy name ok if it's a middle name?

    I think it's beautiful x
  15. RachelJ

    feeling really stressed!

    The worrying never goes away - and the worst part is knowing that you're worrying over nothing! But, once I got past my 20 week scan, the absolute numbing paranoia disappeared and now I only worry for 22 hours out of every 24................. so it does get easier lol x