Recent content by Pansy

  1. P

    Baby Dropped at 29 weeks?

    Thanks for the replies...Just thought I would post that I am doing good so far...I think I will be alright if I follow my restrictions...I was just scared to death when my OB told me this...I go in next Tuesday...I will update then if anything else comes up...Thanks again ladies... Pansy
  2. P

    Baby Dropped at 29 weeks?

    This is my 2nd pregnancy...I am 31 weeks...I posted a question a while ago about when baby drops (on a different pregnancy forum)...And I was told that in subsequent pregnancies baby doesn't drop until you are about to go into labor...Well I have been really uncomfortable lately...Tons of BHC's...
  3. P

    Where has my energy gone?

    I am the same...No energy AT ALL...I have SO much left to do before baby comes and I have no motivation to do anything :roll:
  4. P

    26-31 baby belly :)

    I meant to post this on the belly pics post :( Sorry...Pregnancy brain... I would delete and post it in the right place but I dont know how :oops:
  5. P

    26-31 baby belly :)

    26 weeks 28 weeks 31 weeks I am growing so fast now :)
  6. P

    Very Painful BHC

    OK I am kinda freaking out...It gets kind of TMI here...Me and my OH had sex and he did his thing in me...I used the bathroom right away and cleaned up and stuff...Laid down to watch tv...Like 10 minutes later I got the most painful BHC ever...It seemed to last forever and almost had me in...
  7. P

    Babies sex...old wives tales!!!??

    My babys heartbeat is always over 150 and it is a boy...So I guess that throws the heartbeat theory out the window :) But I did do the chinese chart and it said boy...And I know a lot of people who did the chinese chart and it was right on...So maybe? LoL
  8. P

    2nd Trimester Bumpy Pics!

    it seems like i have a million pics posted here now lol but i just love showing off my baby belly...specially since i am starting to really show...finally!!! 2 more weeks and I'll be in the 3rd trimester posting!!! YaY!!
  9. P

    2nd Trimester Bumpy Pics!

    My baby belly @ 24 weeks 3 days
  10. P

    babies weight

    My cousin was very tiny and her OB kept telling her she was not gaining enough weight and that her baby was too small...He was almost 9lbs...I on the other hand was told I was gaining too much and my baby would be too big...He was 6lbs 6 oz...So you cannot go by measurements and...
  11. P

    Baby Shower Stuff

    Hi Alsha...Hope all goes well and you get your shower...They are so great and so much fun!!...I don't even care about the presents...Although they are a great help!...I just think it is a great way to celebrate a baby on the way...Pretty much all you need for a fun shower is some...
  12. P

    Position of baby?

    O wow that is crappy...If my baby would have turned I think I would have fought the c-section...That is my BIGGEST fear...Having to have a c-section ...My friend went all through her pregnancy thinking she would deliver vaginally...Went to the hospital in labor and baby was breech and she had an...
  13. P

    Position of baby?

    I was just wondering is there a certain time when baby turns upside down? I can't seem to find a clear answer anywhere...When I had my ultrasound at 22 weeks baby was head up...I had another one yesterday at 24 weeks and he is now sideways...Do you think he is slowly turning around or is it too...
  14. P

    Baby Shower Stuff

    I read on a post somewhere that you don't really do baby showers in the UK...Sorry if I am wrong on that...And if I am right sorry for posting this question...But I figured it wouldn't harm any to ask... I am looking for games for my baby shower and was wondering if anyone has any links for...
  15. P

    Ultrasound Pictures

    Rosieroo -Thanks!...I already enjoy showing him off! :lol: Lauz - Thats sooo cute!...Is that his 2 feet sticking up ? aww Dani - It is amazing how he/she grew in 8 weeks huh!