Recent content by kitty86

  1. K

    Birth story

    I have posted my birth story and added some pic. Its in the new arrivals bit.
  2. K

    Joshua Alan

    Baby Joshua was born on the 19th Dec at 5,55 weighing 9lb. I had the sweep on Tuesday morning and by 8pm that night I started having a few tightenings. Not painful but uncomfortable.I went to bed at about 12am as the contractions were every 10 mins and I though if this is it then I want to have...
  3. K

    kitty86 has had her baby

    Thanks ladies Im so glad he is here. I only just got home today I pulled a muscle in my stomach giving birth and I can hardly stand up and when I do I cant breave so have to get plenty of rest. Labour was awful really painful. I dont remember it being that unbearable. It was quick though. I...
  4. K

    I'm having contractions!

    Ooooo good luck hunny Hope everything goes well.
  5. K

    when can you see

    I never saw feet but i could feel them if I places my hand over my rib area I would feel like a hard lump moving around under the skin.
  6. K

    Term + 7

    Had the sweep. Now who said it hurt I didnt feel a bloody thing. Im 2-3 cm dialated already and my cervix is so soft she could feel babys head and put her finger right behind his head. Induction!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thurday morning 8.30am whooohoooo. They said they couldnt do it till Monday (xmas...
  7. K

    Induction Today! *UPDATED*

    Best of luck hunny.
  8. K

    3 days over

    4 days over now I still feel exhausted. I wanna go out shopping but I really cant be bothered getting up and getting bathed and dressed lol I have a pounding headache I feel sock. I feel like I have been kicked in the privates and the sharp pains you get shoot up you privates are a pain in...
  9. K

    3 days over

    I am desperate to meet my lil man but I really cant be bothered with the whole sex, curry, pinapple stuff. Im too exhausted. I just dont have the energy of sex, I cant eat currys because spicey food set off my IBS, pineapples make me sick. I had one the other day and was sick after half of it...
  10. K


    Anyone heard how she is doing. Has she had baby yet?
  11. K


    I try my best not to use it every day. During the day I cant cope with the pain its just at night when the pains are at there worse I take 2. So on average I take 2 aday sometimes less never more. I think I will have to speak to my doc again. My midwife knows I am on them too and she never said...
  12. K


    I know some of us ladies have been taking codine for some part of our pregnancy. Last night I read something quite worrying. I read on a website that if you take codine in the 3rd tri the baby will need weaning off it when there born. Has anyone else heard of this???????? Im worried now. My...
  13. K


    OOOO im so jelous. I wish they would bring mine forward lol. Good luck hunny. I will be thinking of you. Staying in hospital isnt so bad its the food you have to watch out for.
  14. K

    Really painful BH contractions?

    I have had them they take your breath away dont they. They made my eyes water but they always stopped when I stopped walking.
  15. K

    Midwife today

    Everything went ok at the midwife today. Blood pressure is fine and baby is 2/5 engaged. She has put me in the diary for a sweep next tuesday. Then they will give me 24 hours to go into labour and then I will be induced. She said it will most likely be next friday. Feels good to finally see...