Recent content by dianedue27thjan

  1. D it too soon???

    Hello again ladies! Grace is now 10 weeks and 6 days old, but she doesn't take to milk very well - we've tried ALL types. Dont get me wrong she takes enough & is growing ok (she's a fraction small), but my mother-in-law is adamant that she is ready for rusks & thinks she'll take to them...
  2. D

    Please help....

    My little angel had her injections today - one in each thigh. She has not stopped screaming with the pain for nearly two hours solid :cry: I gave her a small dosage of calpol 2.5mls as advised by the nurse, but still nothing! Any advice?? please i'm upset and getiing worried.
  3. D

    Microwave or heat in hot water???

    hello girls! hope we are all doing well xx Little Grace really plays up at feed time and of course hernight feed takes some time to prepare. I heat her milk with hotwater from the kettle but for speed I was wondering if I could microwave it? She's on Aptimil formula that I mix with...
  4. D

    Three weeks old with a blocked up nose...

    Hiya ladies, My LO Grace is doing great except for a blocked nose, she sounds terrible....I don't think it's a full blown cold, just a "snotty nose" What can I do to help her? drops on her pillow? Again any help would be gratefully received. love to you all & your precious ones...
  5. D

    I did it with pic

    WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW.......I am so pleased for you roxanne, she looks beautiful and you look really well too. Its great to see us all with our babies - SO MANY GIRLS!!! I'll try to get a pic of grace sorted out today and get it on here. Well done again mate, I felt a little guilty when Grace...
  6. D

    She wont stop I change milk?

    Hello, Grace is 4 days old & started on around 30mils of SMA GOLD and that has increased daily to 60mils, last night her 01:00 hrs feed she woke and had her usual 60 mils but she wanted more & my MW told me feed on demand so I gave her another bottle thinking she might just take the top off...
  7. D

    New mum. Please help...

    Hiya everyone, My little girl "Grace" arrived three days ago, I was looking for some advice on feeding. I have chosen to bottle feed & I use SMA GOLD. I started with her on 30mils which I have slowly moved to 50 mils but she is still wanting more! I sit ok to up it to 60 mils or am I in danger...
  8. D

    PLEASE babygirl

    My baby girl is 2 days old & she is producing discharge - it's a slimy transparent jelly like substance. Quantity is about the size of a pea. Is this normal or should I be worried? :(
  9. D

    ITS HAPPENED....My girl is here!!!

    Hello everyone, thanks for the best wishes yesterday. Grace was born at 1.06 pm yesterday after a very short labour......too short I had to go without epidural! WOW WOW WOW she's SO beautiful I could cry. 6lb 10oz . I will post my labour story when I get round to it - she's just woke...
  10. D

    IS THIS IT?? Di's husband speaking.......

    Cheers. I'm taking her now - the pains are quite bad and she's upset.........I'm not having that!
  11. D

    IS THIS IT?? Di's husband speaking.......

    Morning, Diane woke up at 6 this morning with pains in here "below" and lower back - the back ache is really bad! Since then she is getting worse pains every 8 minutes or so.....I rang the midwife for her and sh said that as long as she's not bleeding and her waters have not broke that I...
  12. D

    Due today!

    Lots & Lots of Labour dust to you Kellie! :hug: :hug: :hug:
  13. D

    Roxanne are you still with us?

    Not even had BH's mate! :? I know I'm going ALL THE WAY......although bump has hardly moved today, I think I've had one kick this morning. I've heard that they can do that just before they make "their move" Do you think that is possible or should I be concerned about the lack of...
  14. D

    Wannabamum's induction day!

    :wave: I bet you can"t wait to see your little one . GOOD LUCK HOPE ALL GO"S WELL I WILL BE THINKING OF YOU HUN :hug: :D :hug: :D :hug: X
  15. D

    Roxanne are you still with us?

    No posts since Saturday lunchtime - not that I'm stalking you :lol: Hope this means what I hope it means.....did that make ANY sense? Still nothing happening here.....starting to contemplate castor oil DESPITE the prospect of a "messy" labour :rotfl: