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  • Im gud thnx missy.
    Still WTT at mo may be TTC agen soon!
    All these appointments keep gettin put back and it all taking soooooo long!!
    Howz the bumpage :) xx
    Hi BabyWestwood,

    I am doing OK sweetie, how are you feeling? Has it all sunk in yet?

    Just a flyby visit to say congratulations hun! I'm pretty new here but after reading one of your threads i have had my fingers crossed for you since! Like kezzi, i have a feeling this ones a sticky for you xxx
    Thank you Kezzi... So far so good! I've never gone this long after a BFP and not had a bleed... I am taking each day at a time though. I have my fingers and toes crossed you get your BFP soon darling! You deserve it so much

    Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!!!!!!!! Hun congrats on ur BFP shug!!!
    Hopefully i wont be far behind u and we can pass certain milestones together!!
    Im not going to say relax and dont stress cuz thats just a RIDICULOUS thing to tell a multiple MC'er!! (I know!!!!) Just X fingers for u and hopefully soon enuf ull have fat ankles and be feasting on random foods at midnight :)
    Mucho hugs and cuddles missy!!!
    I got a feeling this is a sticky beanie!!!! :)
    Hi carnat, just wanted to say congrats on your BFP!! Made up for you but can understand your trepidation. I see your due date is 8th Nov, that's my birthday hun so take that as a sign that everything will be okay :wink: xxx
    Wow another London girl! I work in Fenchurch Street. Thanks for the post earlier. I love the Oxo Tower too! I dont see many girls from London on here. I see you have an app in January 2012. Good luck with that!! Love Gizzy xxxx
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