your skin????


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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morning all.. just wanted to ask how your hair and skin has been?

my hair hasnt been as greasy as pre-preggo.. and my skin has been miles better after 12 weeks.. now im haivng a break a few on my face and some big ones on my back.. and they are the boil type with nothing in them..(i know these are usually hormone related) is anyone else the same... i think im in good need or an exfoliation.. also.. have any of you been dying you hair? mines soooo desperate! havent done it for about 8 months.. shocking!!
My skin has been ok though it normally is anyway. I have developed loads of little skin tags around the armpits where my bra rubs though :oops:

I have been getting my hair highlighted.
My skin has been appalling throughout but it's starting to clear up now. My hair has been drier than usual so I've been compensating with extra conditioner.

I've been dying my hair as it's "faux" blonde but I've been waiting until the roots look absolutely awful before doing them so I've only done it twice throughout preganncy but not had any problems.
I've had spots and stuff all over my face, bust and back since being pregnant, but it has got a lot better recently... My hair is just as greasy as always, but it's so in a desperate need of dying and cutting. The last time I cut it was August and I had some highlights put through it, but it was a terrible cut... and the colour... OMG.. I AM NOT BLONDE!!!!

I hate my blonde hair... I want to go back to being almost black again, its making me quite depressed actually,.
My hair is getting better now. It was terrible like i've never seen it but in the last week its been looking a lot better.

My skin was mad with spots coming up all the time but again in the last week its all clear which is nice. Also got 3 large stretch marks on my bum and a few small ones on my boobs (touch wood no more come up!)

Can't wait to start having my weekly spray tan again. I look more healthy with it! :D
I have noticed that my hair is nowhere near as greasy as before I was pregnant. My skin has been a lot softer and less greasy too, but I have found a few spots appearing in the last week although they don't last long.
My hair grows quickly anyway but skin wise, I still seem to be cyclical - so I seem to get spots when I would be due to come on anyway which is bizarre. Got rosacea so normally would go to see docs if my nose flared up but can't take them when preg.
Horrible :|

My Skin Has Been Dry All The Way Through With Red Breakout Spot Things!
Hair has been ok and iv had it dyed and cut same as normal except in the 1st tri Skin is ok too, its my nails that have taken the worst of it there really dry and break really easy.

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