Your opinions on boy and girl nubs?


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Jun 14, 2012
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Hey, So I decided to make this thread to ask people their opinions on nubs.
I didn't actually hear about nubs until a few days ago. I saw on a forum about boys and girls nubs and how to tell them apart. Well I looked at my scan picture and noticed the 'nub' and by the way people have explained it, it looks girlie to me... And now I just cant stop thinking about it and looking at it. Me and my boyfriend actually really want a boy :/ Of course if it is a girl we will love her and will be happy. But we want a boy for our first. And now this nub theory has lowered my hopes on having a boy :( What do you think about this nub theory..Do you think its just a 50/50 guess or do you think its more accurate than not?
I think ,if a expert was to say it was a girl based on the nub then that would be an answer, but on here most of us are just having a guess and I wouldn't buy pink on that basis, it's really more for fun . An expert in my opinion is someone likely in a white coat working with these type of scans all the time and it's even reported that they can make mistakes . I firmly believe the only way to truly sex an unborn baby by scanning is for a trained sonographer to get a good look and tell you , That's what I'm hoping will happen on my 20 week scan in 12 days time . xx
I think it's more down to guessing, and it obviously being a 50/50 chance.. So I wouldn't take much notice of the 'nub theory'.. As Katey said above, the only real way of seeing the sex of an unborn baby is by the 20 week scan.. So I'd wait until then before feeling disappointed! :D
Wishing you all the best for your next scan xx
i never heard of a nub theory. but personally i think you tell more by your bump shape.
i did the ring test which swag up&down for a boy & they have a saying on magpies if you see 3 together your apparently having a girl & if you see four together your having a boy.
& i did see four all out in my garden before i had my 20week scan & my bump shape was the shape they say for a boy
and we found out at are 20week scan we are having a boy but i was sure by all three things we was having a boy but its different for everyone i guess.

all the best for your next scan :)
Well I looked at mine and thought nub was girly as was parallel to the spine, but for the entire pregnancy up to 21 weeks I was convinced boy from the cravings and shape of my bump. I got a total surprise when they told us we are having a little girl. I must have been the only one who didn't quite believe! The nub is Defo correct of you go by what it's meant to be but it is just a 50/50 guess really. Xx

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