Your experience...pregnancy and baby mixed with pets.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2011
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Has anyone had any problems with pets during pregnancy and when baby arrived?
I have a pretty small place...not tiny..but it's a two bed flat.
Altogether we have two gorgeous kitties of five years, a bearded dragon, a leopard gecko, 16 tarantulas, African land snails, African Pygmy hedgehog, celestial parrotlet, africa grey parrot. Now I know I cant changing the litter tray or cleaning the animals out when I'm pegnant bur can I continue to do so when baby is born? I constantly wash my hands. And I use plastic gloves anyway when doing things like that.
Is there any harm whole pregnant in being around all the dust the African grey gives off? (csnt afford a humidifier) or any harm in having the little parrotlet out to play and sitting on me? I read some mothers to be had their cats sit on their bellies while pregnant and my one cat loves to sit on my belly a lot under the blanket mainly. But surely this would overheat or harm the baby?

Anyway my main concern here is how my kitties will he when baby arrives and of course all cats are may even see a side to them you didnt know they had. I plan on introducing some baby habits and smells into the flat before the time comes. My female though is a very needy little thing and loves her cuddles. She will jump up, balance om her back lege and follow you meowing for her smooths. She will wsit for ages for you to come out the bathroom just so you walk past and see her. I will greet and pet them before seeing to the baby in the mornings so the jealousy doesn't escalate but I don't want my little kitties to get scared...they're my babies too!
my mum always had tonnes of pets, hamsters to horses all thru my childhood and while me and my brothers were babies. if you clean up properly, keep things flea'd n wormed an wash hands after handling reptiles it should be fine. just let them know the boundaries.
ive allways had cats and my main worry is makin sure the cats never get left in the same room as the baby on their own coz ive heard they are attracted to the smell of milk on babies and the warmth from babies breathing,so thats the main thing il be wary
I agree with the above, I've got 4 cats and they're all attention seekers lol but you should never leave a baby alone with a pet because you just dont know how they'll react. And like the others said as long as the animals are vaccinated etc etc then you should be fine. And obviously to wash your hands after petting them and before handling food - but thats common sense anyway lol you'll be fine hun. xx
You might want to make sure the tarantulas are out of sight when MW/HV visits!! SOrry to say not everyone is 'comfortable' in the same room as one, let alone 16!!!!
I have a crazy dog who is my spoilt baby at the moment. Im kinda worried about him getting jealous when wee one is here.
All through my pregnancy we had 2 gorgeous little kittens. Had no trouble with them, apart from when I tripped over one lol. They were brilliant with Cesca when she was first born, just had to shut them out the bedroom at night. I now have 2 Newfoundlands (big dogs lol) and they're great with her too. Afraid I can't help other than that thoughh. xx
o and you know reptiles can carry salmonella right? so always wash your hands before touching baby and when it grows a lil always whash kids hands after they handle reptiles.
i have 2 dogs a cat and a bearded dragon, i did used to have 11 snakes and 5 lizards as well as 3 dogs and 4 cats but when i broke up with previous partner a few years ago i had to trim the numbers down , reptiles got sold, 3 cats went (they belonged to the ex so he rehomed them) and my poor old sammy dog had to be put down last year dur to old age and a non cancerous growths condition.
i wouldnt get rid of any of the pets i have now for the world so when baby comes i will be very firm with them on what the rules are and watch the cat like a hawk lol
As the others say its just common sense, washing hands, alcohol gel is good too, and keeping things clean. We have 4 dogs, 3 horses, pygmy hedgehog, parrot, tortoise, chameleon, a chicken and 18 birds of prey. My MW said I'm probably immune to everything I could pick up already and as long as things are kept clean and baby is not left unsupervised then everything should be fine :)
I have 2 dogs currently and one loves resting her head on my belly in fact it's how I knew I was pregnant!!, their only little dogs.

One of them is quite dominant and I have real concerns about her, and as much as it would hurt us to do it, we might have to give her up when we have bug, but we will see how she goes.

As the others have said it's mostly common sense and you seem to be doing everything you should :)
I have 9 dogs, 3 cats and loads of chooks!!

My dogs are all trained to a very high standard and have mixed with my friends 3 dog friendly children!! However they have undergone a different set of training in the lead up to Bubs arriving.

Their routine has been disrupted, they've been accompanied on walks by a borrowed buggy and had their training/manners tightened up!! They've never had access to the whole house due to OH's allergy, we have stable doors/baby gates.

Cats have now had baby bedroom access restrictions and their litter tray has moved to the garden room toilet out of the way! Being Siamese they are heat seeking missiles so I've bought a net to go over the cot.

If you have any issues with your dog use the time now to source a suitably qualified trainer to help you work through the isues, then you won't have to part with your pet.

Yes it's extra work but I want to ensure that my dogs (and cats) are all happy and settled asap when Bubs arrives as I have no intention on any of them going anywhere!!

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