Young, Knocked up and now no job!


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2008
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I'm a manager of a fashion store and i love it. Ive been there 3 years and worked my ass off to get this job and at only 20 i think i did damn well.
Here's the problem, as a company they didnt do too well and we've been told all the stores are up for sale.
I've been told they are trying to get rid of most stores by the end of July and we have a potential buyer coming to view my store on the 9th of June. Even if that takes about 8 weeks to go through, its not as if i can start early maternity leave il only be 18 to 20 weeks pregnant. Il get a good redundency payout but not enough to last the rest of my pregnancy and then the year at home that id like to take. And im showing as it is whos going to hire me at 20 weeks pregnant? no one!

So im a bit low now, i know i can get agency work and sorry to be a snob but i worked my way to the top in retail i dont want to be some scivvy in a factory somewhere.
I know that sounds awful but i worked soo hard.

so i really am young, knocked up, with no job! :rotfl:

so what now?
First of all this really sucks and I'm sorry :hug: I didn't just want to read and run, but I don't really know what to say. If the new buyer buys this store, are you definitely going to lose your position? Maybe its best to start looking for positions earlier rather than later.
Also will this interfere with your statutory maternity pay? Its best to get these things checked out sooner rather than later so that you can prepare for whatever is going to happen.

Good luck and I hope things get sorted soon, again :hug: :hug:
:hug: Im so sorry this is going to happen!

Have you thought about investing some of the money you get into starting your own business?

Im 22 and since the age of 19 with my partner been doing exactly that.

It can be hard, but its just an idea?

aww hun, i know how you feel i moved back to essex from kent and i was pregnant with my first and i had no job, i was 19 then, mcdonalds wouldnt even employ me, i really tired to get a job, i did get job seeker s allownce though as my oh was unemployed aswell. You should be entiltled to job seekes i think as you didnt make yourself jobless so that should hopefully be in your faver, not sure if you can claim income support yet hun but if i was you id look into it xxx
sorry this is happening hun :hug: hope you sort something out soon xxxxxxxxx
Oh hun - join the club :wink: Haha although im a student so thats why i do't have a job..

Maybe the new buyers will keep you on? i hope they will! :pray: :hug:

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