You lot are ruining my life!


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2008
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:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I need to go into town and buy a new iron (yes,all my household appliances are dying!), Evie is outgrowing all her clothes so need some new sleepsuits and a teething ring plus some batteries for my camera...


:talkhand: AFTER EVIE HAS FINISHED THIS BOTTLE WE'LL BE GONE! for a couple of hours anyway... :roll:
hehe!! Order stuff online, then you dont have to leave!
Well, I'm not a complete addict :fib: :fib: :fib: :fib: so I', off to town now... Evie's crying... she doesn't want to go either! :cry:
SarahH said:
hehe!! Order stuff online, then you dont have to leave!

great idea, then you can be online while your waiting for it to be delivered... well thats my excuse!! :rotfl:
You could get a laptop and a mobile broadband dongle thing so you can take us with you where ever you go!!! :rotfl: :rotfl:
lol loving all these anti-PF withdrawal ideas, and im THAT childish that the word dongle always makes me laugh, i picture the meeting in which some exective was like * ive been thinking about calling it a dongle ....* lol geek

Tesco online was made for such emergencies !!
MagicMarkers said:
lol loving all these anti-PF withdrawal ideas, and im THAT childish that the word dongle always makes me laugh, i picture the meeting in which some exective was like * ive been thinking about calling it a dongle ....* lol geek

SNAP! Finally someone else who has admitted to this! I actually can't even discuss dongles in front of my dad if he ever asks me about them I get all :oops:

I've not been on here since Sunday!!! Imagine how I feel :rotfl: :rotfl: Better stay somewhere with wifi next time :twisted:
Funkylady said:
MagicMarkers said:
lol loving all these anti-PF withdrawal ideas, and im THAT childish that the word dongle always makes me laugh, i picture the meeting in which some exective was like * ive been thinking about calling it a dongle ....* lol geek

SNAP! Finally someone else who has admitted to this! I actually can't even discuss dongles in front of my dad if he ever asks me about them I get all :oops:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Me and My bf always have a giggle at the word dongle

I buy everything online :lol: it's the best way man!! :lol:
:rotfl: Yaaay other dongle gigglers! My oh had never heard of a dongle before he met me.....I dongle de-virginated him.

Dongle :rotfl:

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