yes... im still waiting!!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2007
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hello everyone!

how are you all?

well, my past 2 cycles have been 29 days, so im hoping i have finally got back to normal after coming off the pill!!! woop woop!

so heres hoping that we will be preg soon!

love ya all xxx
well, i took me about 9 or 10 months to get back on a regular cycle (i think!) except, im now on day 30, and no sign of AF coming!
i also felt nauseus on about day 15 of my cycle, which i have never had before, so im hoping its my month!!! but i suppose it could just be my body settling down still! but hey, it could happen!!!

hope everyone is doing well?
i've still not had af arrive! :D not really having af type cramps either, but different ones, more like a belly ache really.
and i've not had the normal pre-af spotty forehead either...... gona wait till monday and test if she eint turned up!

fingers crossed everyone.... and sticky dust pleeeease!

thanks everyone!

no AF yet! tested this morning but BFN! im hoping its a bit too early still! (im 5 days late) not really having symptoms, feel a bit queezy and have lots of cm and slight cramps still! ooh and tired!!!

i used one of the poudland ones.... do they really work that well? would i better getting a propper one?

think i will test on thursday if nothing!
Good luck hun :hug:

I"m very late for my period, and havent got a BFP yet!

Keep us updated :D
yay! it's a great feeling when your cycles sort them self out.. hope this is the month for you x
heres a bit of an update....

still no AF, but i now have sore nipples, not hugely sore, but feel like they have been chaffing like when you go running??? and hurt when i touch them even slightly!

im going to wait till monday i think, then if nothing shows i will test again!

i really hope this is it!

hello all,

well, still no AF, but i have had some really light brown cm, i also had a sharp pain in my womb area about 30min before i had the cm.... could it be implantation???

I'm feeling absolutely shattered, and have also got the snuffles :sleep: so im still hoping this is our month!

i suppose only time will tell!

please send me any spare sticky dust :pray:


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