ye weren't joking about the 4month sleep regression


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2011
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Omg what's happening its like he's a newborn again actually its probably worse he's waking every couple of hours!!! He used to sleep through :( :(
At his worst Will was waking more than a newborn at around 4 months! He's six months on Wednesday and for the past two weeks he is sleeping thru again just stirring once or twice. Is Ur LO actually waking up? Will never did but stirred so much I jumped up to rub his back every hour to get him back into sleep again, it was hard work lol, but there is light at the end of the tunnel xx
Oh gosh - really not looking forward to this. It's only been the last week or two that we have finally got Emily to sleep a little better than a newborn... To think it'll all go back to square one in another week or two... :-(
Oh gosh - really not looking forward to this. It's only been the last week or two that we have finally got Emily to sleep a little better than a newborn... To think it'll all go back to square one in another week or two... :-(

Just what I said to the OH on reading this!!!!
So pleased it's not just me. Isaac has been waking every 2-3 hours for the last couple of weeks. He's never been a great sleeper but now he often decides it's morning at 4-5am & just won't sleep again! I've put up a gro blackout blind & that has helped a bit. Im so tired though, really hope this is just a phase & he'll start sleeping soon!
I'm trying to sneak in a nap in the day which I never do but I'm exhausted,its hard though with a 4year old! He is waking but I'm refusing to feed him everytime he wakes,I wrap him up tightly (he'll only sleep like a caterpillar in a cocoon) and give him his dummy but he wakes again an hour or so later and that's it all through the night.. Hopefully ul b lucky ones nic/leanne xx
Touch wood, I have yet to experience this. Pretty much from 2 weeks old, Joshua has slept through from 8pm to about 6am. I'm not taking it for granted though. Feel incredibly lucky. Really feel for you ladies. I could not live without sleep.xx
Ok Lulabell, what's your secret??!!! Gin??? Nightnurse??? I'll try anything!!! lol
He's always woken every 2-4hrs but has suddenly become very difficult to settle at around 5.30am, whereas he was always easy to settle and put down in the past, lets hope it doesn't get any worse.
I know some people won't agree with this but Will started sleeping thru at about 10 weeks. Since then if he has ever woke at night (like I say he sort of stirs rather than wakes) iv not once fed him :oooo:

I have friends who done it to get their LO's back off to sleep and two years later they are still waking in the night for milk. Dont get me wrong, if he was crying for it or was unwell I would and i guess iv been lucky but was determined to get him out of waking for feeds. During the day I try to make sure he gets what he needs and it's worked for us xx
We are the same pos. only feed if she wakes after 4.30am. But she goes to bed at 6.30 and so it's likely she would be hungry after 10 hours. But last night for example she went 12 hours, woke at 6.15 so we just kind of go with her. But if she woke at 12 for example we would just settle her back to sleep x

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