Yay - We have a day out tomorrow and I'm so excited!!!!


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2005
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Probably sounds rubbish to you lot but every year for as long as I can remember I have went to the Royal Highland Show just outside Edinburgh (even used to get days off school for going; handy being a farmers daughter!!!).
I have only ever missed two of them and they are in the last two years, first being pregnant and then because I was ill last year.

Anyway, I am going tomorrow :cheer: my Dad is going to drive me and Arianna to it. He'll go looking at all the tractors etc and I will take Arianna in her buggy round the food and craft halls, let her see the horse and pony shows and see all the animals on show.

I am so excited as she will love it!! She is well into her animals and will probably "moo" or "baa" her way round the show :cheer:
Hope you both enjoy yourselves tomarrow and the weather nice for you.
that sounds like a fab day out! Have a top day and take loads of pics to show us on Friday!
:hug: :hug:
ah that sounds lovely i hope you have a lovely day!!
Hayden loves animals too i bet Arianna will love it :)
Doesn't sound rubbish at all, I usually go to balmoral show which is basically the same thing! Have a good day!
Sounds like a cool day out esp with all the animals :cheer:
Have fun and hope the weather is nice for you :D
sounds just like the Great Yorkshire Show which I used to get a day off school for too!

Have a great day! :D
Hey that sounds cool. We have the Devon County Show here. Cows, sheep, tractors etc.. I am looking forward to taking LO in years to come as I always enjoyed it when i was a kid.
i went for the fist time 2years ago and loved it, can you bring me back a clydesdale or a highland pony please?? :D i'll soon be able to ride it,lol.
Apparantly a young boy aged 3 has been killed in an accident at this event today, just checking the news now for further details. :cry:
Hey. Well we are just back and all sun burned :( It was windy and I got burnt - silly mummy put cream on Arianna but not herself!!

The show was really good. Arianna loved all the animals although she got confussed with the horses, big horses were "clip-clop naaahs" Shetland ponies were "moos" :roll: :lol:
Bought her a gorgeous fleece that should have cost £10, but got it for a fiver as the guy on the stand said he was excellent at guessing little girls names and I replied "bet you a fiver you can't" after him reeling off every name that began with "A" he gave up :lol:

I heard about the accident on the radio on the road back - I didnt see anything at the show but did hear the sirens and just asumed there was an accident on the by-pass as it is close. Apparently he was playing with bolders in the car park and one fell on him :cry: :cry: poor toot
aww sounds lovely, i wouldve loved that when i was younger! sad new about the little boy :cry:

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