Yay thankgod shes finally here


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2007
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AF showed im so happy. as ive been studying my cycles. It looks like i have 52 day cycle and ovulate on or around the 40 day. My god thats a long cycle :wall: , well at least i know now so i guess its a good thing rather thn not knowing.
goodness me 52 days. Mind you like you said, at least you know now.
One step closer to getting your BFP!!! Happy to hear you have a fresh start!!! :hug:
hey jemz24 i also seem to have 52 day cycles :shock: after thinking i ad irregular periods i have noticed that my cycles are 52 days...can i ask how old u are hun ? im so glad im not the only one in the world who has veryyyy longggggg cycles....PM me if u want to chat about it !! :hug: :hug: :hug:
So glad that she has come at last, Heres to next month and a bfp :pray: :hug:
hope this one is a better cycle for you hun :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hey Jemz, I feel your pain too.

I think that my last cycle was 53 days (only had a 2 day visit from AF though) and have no idea when I ov'd

How did you know, did you POAS every day? I haven't got that many sticks!!!

Does that mean you've got a 40 day wait now then? :(
Jemz glad it eventually came for you - my last cycle was 125 days then I had AF and it looks like I conceived on CD7!!!! So keep an eye on that CM!! :D
well i did an ovualtion test on the 1st of this month and shock it was positive. and 17 days later af, so i must have been ovulating then.
Im 26 years old. ive been watchin my cycles for the last 3 cycles (i cant say every month lol) and they ve all been around 52 days. i will do a proper study on this cycle. temps opk's etc, and will let you kno how it turns out.

p.s i dnt actually use opk's a lot. And probably do have a 40 day wait to bd lol but il be doin it anyway.
52 days, and i thought my last one at 42 days was long... Im glad she's finally come for you hun...

The really depressing thing about it is the huge wait up to ov and then the huge wait after.. grrr...

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