Yay....just booked our 4d scan - whoopee!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2006
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Yay.....just booked our 4d scan for 5th January 2007 @ 12pm....fabulous!!

How exciting....something to look forward to in the january blue period!!

Is anyone else going to be having a 4d scan?
we were going to get it done as a xmas pressie to eachother but someone told me that the results are not as good if you are having twins so decided not to
Oh thats a shame :( we've ummed and aahed for a while about whether to go for it, and decided it will be xmas pressied to each other too......so good timing really :cheer:
Yay cant wait to see ur beautiful little girl hun!!
I was going to have one this time but thought it was unfair coz we didnt do it for Jaycee as it was £300-£400 to have one in 2004 :shock: So i dont think ill be doing it this time :(
(bloody favouritism accusing sucks! :shakehead: )
I want a 4d scan for my birthday - so might ask everyone to help chip in and she'll be around 30 weeks around January 21st 8)
Jayceesmumma said:
as it was £300-£400 to have one in 2004 :shock:

Blummin 'eck....that is expensive!! Ours is £135 which is for DVD, CD-Rom and 6 printed pictures. We usually spend around £75 each on xmas for each other anyway so we'll make it work that way!!

Awwww, I'm sure Jaycee would forgive you as I'm sure she'd love to see baby on DVD???
Emmylou said:
Jayceesmumma said:
as it was £300-£400 to have one in 2004 :shock:

Blummin 'eck....that is expensive!! Ours is £135 which is for DVD, CD-Rom and 6 printed pictures. We usually spend around £75 each on xmas for each other anyway so we'll make it work that way!!

Awwww, I'm sure Jaycee would forgive you as I'm sure she'd love to see baby on DVD???
Aww great xmas prezie!
ts not Jaycee im worried about its my dumb family. I knew this would happen. bloody favouritism shit! Excuse the language but it really angers me how they are! My sister was blatantly the favourite (im not bothered anymore tho coz ive turned out better :dance: :lol: ) and my mum to this day has always said its coz everyone said i was being favoured over her so she put more focus onto shell :evil: Its out of order! Even now on my msn display i have my scan pic.. mum went mad saying i was favouring already??!!??!! I asked her if she wanted a scan pic and she said only if i can get jaycees too coz i dont want this one on the computer and not jaycee, im not favouring!! WTF?? And my sister eeps calling Jaycee her favourite and keeps telling me she wont love this one as much as jaycee!! :shock: :shock: I will love my children the same nd will NOT feel bad about being excited aboutmy new baby! No child can replace jaycee and id never ask for that! Im so shocked its happenign already! Ive told them if i hear the word 'favourite' after birth i will NOT be seeing anyone anymore!! Its disgusting to me! I went thru so much beng compared to my older sister and refuse to do the same here. I NEVER done ANYTHING as well as she did.
*Sorry to ramble i hate the favourite stuff*
Aaaaaaanyway, great news on ur 4d scan date hun!
I might get one anyway, like u said Jaycee loves babies and would love seeing her lil bro/sis on DVD and im sure she'll understand when she's older.
How many weeks do you have to be?
Yay :cheer:

emmy scan sounds great!!!!

We were thinking about it but I'm having to pay £300 tomorrow for a new alternator for my car..so that's my money gone :( :evil:

But.... nevertheless....will get to see you r pics of beautiful little Libby :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
I'm excited now! :D
Jayceesmumma said:
Aww great xmas prezie!
ts not Jaycee im worried about its my dumb family. I knew this would happen. bloody favouritism sh*t! Excuse the language but it really angers me how they are! My sister was blatantly the favourite (im not bothered anymore tho coz ive turned out better :dance: :lol: ) and my mum to this day has always said its coz everyone said i was being favoured over her so she put more focus onto shell :evil: Its out of order! Even now on my msn display i have my scan pic.. mum went mad saying i was favouring already??!!??!! I asked her if she wanted a scan pic and she said only if i can get jaycees too coz i dont want this one on the computer and not jaycee, im not favouring!! WTF?? And my sister eeps calling Jaycee her favourite and keeps telling me she wont love this one as much as jaycee!! :shock: :shock: I will love my children the same nd will NOT feel bad about being excited aboutmy new baby! No child can replace jaycee and id never ask for that! Im so shocked its happenign already! Ive told them if i hear the word 'favourite' after birth i will NOT be seeing anyone anymore!! Its disgusting to me! I went thru so much beng compared to my older sister and refuse to do the same here. I NEVER done ANYTHING as well as she did.
*Sorry to ramble i hate the favourite stuff*

How annoying! :D


A few people have commented on how different I am this pg with doppler etc... that I never did this with twinnies...

my theory is though that this time I'm a lot older ( I was 19 when I had twinnies), I'm a lot more comfortable with this pg so can enjoy it more!( LAst time was a nightmare, the relief on my face when I saw one this time! :wink: ),there are more accessible things now than 8 years ago!

I've never understood the favouritism thing within families.

My nan always says I'm her favourite but that's probably because I'm all she really has left of my mum, well the closest thing anyway...
still don't understand it.

I have two already and they are so different and I know that I could never choose one of them over the other!

How can you choose between two different people!? :evil:

Makes me mad... big hugs for you Jo :hug: :hug: :hug:
yey hope it all goes ok for you huni

I would get one but just cant justify spending that cash when were waiting to move house. Bloody ridiclous estate agent fee's, sols fees and stupid council stuff like stamp duty - how very dare they!
Thanks Kirly :hug: :hug: :)

Sorry Em for hijacking ur thread :oops:

Cant wait to see Libby!! :cheer:
Emmylou i bet your so excited to see your little princess again :D .
I really want one but we can't afford it and our parents are saying we should just wait until baby is born. we were going to use money we got for christmas to get one, but we've decided to get married instead so i'm happier with that decision :D
Oooh...I've missed loads on this post.....need to catch up.....

Jo: Don't worry bout hijacking - not a problem missus :hug: Families are so annoying aren't they!!! We always jest that my bro is fave child (he is 1st born and only son) and I never think anything of it, as its just fun, but we all know its a joke....is different when its not a joke isn;t it!! So frustrating, I think if you explained to Jaycee about the cost she'll understand babe. There are different packages.....here's a link to the weeks and prices at the one near us: http://www.windowtothewomb.co.uk/index.php?page_id=2

Kirly: Sorry your money is having to go on the alternator babes :hug: maybe smile nicely at OH!!!!!!

Jennywren: I know what you mean about sales fees etc. I've just sold a house and the amoutn deducted for everything - phew!! Unbeleiveable - bet they'll wanna stick me for tax on it next!!!

little*red: woohooo.....you're getting married!!!!! When? When? How exciting!! We're not gonna get hitched for a while yet (2008 sometime maybe??) so I'll start saving after Jan!!

All: I can't wait to see my princess again (also gonna get doubly confirmed that she is a princess, as I have startyed thinking lately: "but what if she comes out with boy bits" :wall: ) :lol:
lol emmy have you been taking happy pills today? :lol:

We are just planning to get married before the baby comes, preferably in January. we are just going to the registry office, nothing special (no big dress, cake,reception) only wedding rings and a marriage certificate, we just want to be married. we are hoping to get married 'properly' in a few years, when i've finished uni and have a full-time job and I won't be 8 months pregnant!
when we get married the first time i doubt we'll even have family there, its just a little private wedding for my OH and i :D . then the 'second' wedding will be for the family, as we wanted to have something private (you know where we didnt have to put on a show for everyone else) but my OH is an only child and i thought it wasnt fair that his mum wouldnt get to go to his wedding.that way we get the best of both worlds :) .
Congratulations on your engagement, how great will it be thinking that your little Libby will probably be walking at your wedding! :D
I've had a really busy week at work, and today has been quite a relaxed one - so I'm buzzing today :lol:

Awwww, we were gonna do that - just sneak off and get wed, but DF is an only child too so got guilted into a 'wedding' by his mum :wall: :wall: We're so excited that we'll have Libby there though as bridesmaid!! :cheer:

Congratulations on your upcoming marriage!!
Congrats to both of u, u best take some luvverly wedding piccies for us!! :D

Little*red i LOVE your scan pic avatar!!! SO cute!!
hey em! just wanted to say how exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you are going to see your little princess!!!!!!! I can't wait to see her pictures!!!!!

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