Yay just booked my holiday!


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2007
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After the disappointment of having to cancel our holiday to Canada in May (by midwife advice), I have very quickly got my arse into gear and we are now going to Sardinia for a week :cheer:

The hotel is very simple and nice and cheap too and we get to have this view from our hotel balcony


There are two hospitals within a 15 minute walk from the hotel so I'm really excited and can't wait to go now :D
I'm so jealous that hotel view looks AMAZING! We wont get a hol til next year and that'll be our delayed honeymoon and with 3 of us! Wish I was going now like you!XX
Aww :( Poor you, there are some very cheap deals out there at the moment. We got nearly £300 off the price of ours :D

Although what with the cost of baby stuff, I can completely understand you wanting to save up your money. It's kind of exciting to think the next holiday you go on you'll have your LO with you :)
Oh wow hun that looks amazing, I am jealous :wink: I bet you will really enjoy yourselves, just make sure to do lots of relaxing :D

What a gorgeous view. Have a lovely time :D
Have a great holiday, looks fab. I want one now!!! :lol:
Yeah it will be cool that next time we go we'll have the baby with us but I still wish I could go now like you and show off my bump in bikini's without worrying i look fat for the 1st time EVER!! Take lots of photos!!XX
Thanks girls :D

I will take loads of pictures including a special edition bump on the beach pic! I can't wait, only just over a months to go now.

Maybe all you ladies should book cheap last minute deals as a special maternity present to yourselves ;)
Hope you have a great holiday.
We were looking into a last minute holiday deal, but it had to fit round harrisons school holidays so we couldn't get one. Although we did walk away with a wedding booked........lol
Sardinia is supposed to be lovely, lucky you!!!

Enjoy your hols, not long to go now :D

How big is your suitcase? Fancy popping me in there?

Nahhh, you have a GREAT time hun - You deserve it! And bring back lots of pics! x

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