yay im here.... question


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2007
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im now just over 13 weeks :D

my symptoms have not been good though, constant sick all day, i sleep 11-12 hours through out the night then 3 odd hours after 2pm. is this normal? if i walk more than 15 mins then i feel like i need a sleep. awaiting blood results.

also ive lost half a stone in the last 2 weeks, is this ok or should i be worried?
oh ps. im not a small person im size 18 so i dont mind loosing the weight pmsl! just worried if its going to be bad for my beanie.
i eat plenty of good stuff through the morning and afternoon and eat a piece of fruit for breakie, sometimes stays down but anything after 2pm'ish i will see again so tea is out of the question
yeah its totally normal to feel as shattered as you do.

i felt great and had loads of energy in the first trimester but now i feel awful and cant stay awake past 8pm!

its normal to lose weight too... because of sickness, plus your metabolism is incresed during pregnancy :hug:
thanks for the reply.

been gradually feeling worse, dont know if i have a bug or something. sickness seems to have gone now thank god! but im so weak that its exhausting to go to the toilet. my heart pounds and im out of breath and faint.

does this go or am i stuck with it :cry: id rather have the sickness instead of this
Sounds alot like ive felt most of the time, get checked for anemia etc as that could be causing tiredness also plenty of water to make sure its not dehydration. Dizziness could be low blood pressure or sugar levels, are you eating regular enough?
:wave: welcome to tri 2 - hope you feel better soon. Have you had all your routine bloods done? I would also check with you GP about your breathlessness to be on the safe side :hug:
thanks all :D

had today off work to try and get some rest as last night i was quite bad with the fainting.
feel nice and relaxed in the sun :cheer:

yes had bloods done but there was a mix up with how things were done so only had them taken last wed, not sure if i get told the results or do i have to ring the doctor for them incase i need suppliments?

eating plenty of healthy stuff, my craving at the moment is vegtables with gravy and mint sauce MMMMM :rotfl: esp cabbage.

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