yay got my scan on monday


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2009
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yay i got my first scan on monday im looking forward to it but im also worried coz i only took one test to get a possitive i keep thinking theres nothing there or that theres going to be something wrong so im dreading it a lil bit but xcited also i have to take amy to aswell coz i ant get anyone to look after her
Goodluck hun, cant wait to see the pics x x

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Dont worry its been through my mind ive had false positives lol! good luck on the scan wish i had mine soon xxx
its weird down here coz you get a positive on a test and you have to phone a midwife for an appointment so you dont really get it confirmed by the doctor anymore which would of been better coz they tell how far along you are but i will be consultant led care too so theyll be keeping an extra eye on me. i think its wierd coz ive heard of people geting faulse psitives and stuff and you see a positive you gotta go straight to midwife tell them how far you are then you go for a scan i feel sorry for people where i live when they got one but faulse and going al the way to the hospital and being told thats nothing there.....

wel it must be sort of good news coz ive had no bleeding what so ever even after everything i do lol ive done alot even b4 i found out i was pregnant i carred amy and her pushchair up some stair to get to my flat lol
That was exactly how I felt...when the sonographer said 'how are you doing?' I blurted out 'I'm worried you're gonna tell me there's nothing in there!!' I don't think she quite knew what to say in response to that!! But then she said 'well I can hear a good heartbeat' and all my worries floated away!! It was the best feeling ever...but I totally understand your pre scan anxiety..up to that point no one had verified I was pregnant so you begin to wonder that it isn't real.

Good luck hun, I'm sure it'll all be fine and you'll meet your little one for the first time :) xx
thank you lol i hope it passes lol i cant wait till tomorro im there at 1.30 so when i get back ill take a photo of the scan photo and put it up here i cant scan it in on the comp lol coz the printer scanner needs ink b4 i can scan lol stupid thing
I felt exactly the same, I was sure she was going to tell me there was nothing there. She started the scan then looked at me and said 'do you normally have regualar periods' and I though oh god shes gonna tell me theres nothing there but just turned out I was 2 weeks behind what I should of been. I think nothings like the first scan when you know your not imagining it all !! Good luck x
wishing you luck x I felt the same i did about three more tests over the coming weeks before my scan to reassure me x :)
Only an hour to go hun, let us know how you get on :) x x

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