Yay - engaged and feeling a bit crampy!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2006
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Hi Girls,

Had a MW appointment this morning and she said that my little boy's head is "well engaged"!! Made another appointment for 2 weeks time but she doesn't think I'll make it! If I do she wants to give me a sweep - is this normal (wasn't offered last time) before due date??

Anyway I have been feeling a bit crampy ttoday and a bit of back ache - is it all in my head?! I hope not! Must get my house cleaned!!
When are you due hun?

I was talking to my midwife yesterday about sweeps as i had one last time i went over, and she said they don't offer them till you are term plus 7 days oer she said sometimes they do them at term plus 5 but it is better to leave you till term plus 7...

Not sure why she is offering you one if you are not even due by then :think:
If you are close to due date I do hope your cramps lead into something bigger for you :) I can't see your ticker so don't know when you're due. x

ps i had my sweep at term + 9. i was seen at term + 2 but she wanted to wait til the following week's appointment to do it.
I am due in 2 weeks 6 days (not that Im counting!) so will be 39 weeks if and when she does the sweep. I didnt think you had one till at least 40 weeks? She said she would have done one today but was not allowed as I am 37 weeks. I was a bit baffled cos I havent even asked for one or anything and I am in fighting fit health and so is LO.

I have SPD, could that be a factor I wonder. Still got back ache, I have definitely reached the symptom spotting stage now - so annoying!!!

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