Xmas baking

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Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2009
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I want this xmas to be a lovely special one :)

What goodies do you bake?
Ive been thinking about this! Ginger biscuits are a must I think as Ive got some xmas cutters. But aside from that I haven't decided yet.

Santa will be getting some chocolate cake and gin because santa has too many mince pies and whiskey/milk so we wouldnt want him getting bored :whistle:
I was talking to my friend earlier about baking stuff to hang on the tree but I'm not good at cooking. My mums got a cook book with loads of ideas of what to make to hang on the tree
I made literally the most amazing chocolate roulade last year, looks just like a christmas log (don't be rude) and cover it it icing sugar and broken bits of choccie, proper winter wonderoland scene and tastes delish *drools*
Then the usual, mince pies etc but people are fussy about those, everyone loves the roulade.
What about baking some biccies, in the shapes of stars/xmas trees and decorating with little silver balls? Oh and snowmen as well?
Does anyone do a cake? Mince pies?

I do mince pies but not much else. I'd like to do more :eh:

Has anyone any recipes?
I can't help but snigger with the term Xmas log :lol:
I knew you would snigger at that ;)
I do mince pies and xmas cake. I adore mince pies but as for the cake, although it was a good xmas cake neither me or o/h like it much so I still have half of last years left :blush: maybe just chuck some more booze into it and use it again this year :oooo:
How much booze actually goes into a cake and does the alcohol evaporate?
Must admit, I sniggered at the christmas log comment.

Im making xmas pud then a sponge cake decorated all xmassy. Im doing salt dough decorations for the tree and homemade baubles.

Keep in mind, Ive never done anything that Ive mentioned lol. The ginger biscuits Ive cooked before but the recipe is at my mums house. Its yummy though so Ill try get it on here.
How much booze actually goes into a cake and does the alcohol evaporate?

It soaks in, and I just add a couple of tablespoons every couple of weeks (from like September time) I think about half a bottle went into the last one - I was thiking of having a slice the other day but me and pea would end up rat-arsed :rofl:
Must admit, I sniggered at the christmas log comment.

Im making xmas pud then a sponge cake decorated all xmassy. Im doing salt dough decorations for the tree and homemade baubles.

Keep in mind, Ive never done anything that Ive mentioned lol. The ginger biscuits Ive cooked before but the recipe is at my mums house. Its yummy though so Ill try get it on here.

Everyone laughs at the xmas log comment :lol:
Sponge cake is nicer than fruit cake IMO

I find trifle is also a vital requirement for xmas (alcohol fuelled again)
Ooo i'm gonna have a go at making a roulade! (sp?) I seen one made with white and milk chocolate, looked flippin lush!

I might have a good go at baking this year, the only cakes i've ever made is fairy cakes :roll:
Ooo i'm gonna have a go at making a roulade! (sp?) I seen one made with white and milk chocolate, looked flippin lush!

I might have a good go at baking this year, the only cakes i've ever made is fairy cakes :roll:

They are delish. Let me know if you want a good recipe and i'll PM x
The trifle is being made between xmas and new year for the xmas buffet :)

I have no idea why I want to entertain so much :wall: Ive got 5 adults and a Paige for xmas dinner :shock: Then about 10 people for the buffet. Why do I do it to myself!
Oh we should have a Xmas recipe thread :yay:

I do a fab stuffing :)
Yeh we really should, I wonder if there's any chance we could get a sticky?? Pushing it........ :lol:
Oh we should ask, we'd need some actual recipes first though :oooo:
I have quite a few in my christmas recipe binder (yes I'm anal)
Binder? :lol: Are you a virgo by any chance (like me :lol: )
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