

Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2007
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Just realised its your due date today huni.. i havent seen you post for a few days.. hope everything is ok... :hug:
I noticed this earlier on and wondered where she had got to :)

Hope all is ok, best wishes to you and bump, whether it's already happened, is currently happening, or in the very near future!

aww bless you gals are lovely :)

Well we've been moving house this weekend actually - swapped with my mother and moved in on Friday. I haven't had access to the net until just this evening.

I'm still very much pregnant I have to say. Hardly surprising really I did have a feeling he would be late.

Went to my midwife appointment today and apparently Alex has put on a sudden growth spurt -he is now measuring 44 weeks :shock: so I'm going to have to go for an urgent growth scan. BLAH.

My blood pressure is fine though which is a miracle after all the stress I've had lately lol.

Thanks for thinking of me - I'll keep you all posted now that I have the net :) xxx
yeh bloody massive - no wonder I've been feeling so utterly exhausted this week! As if the moving house wasn't bad enough!

I'm not looking forward to pushing him out!!
:shock: i wonder be looking forward to pushing him out either.. keep us posted when you have yout growth scan..

hope your not waiting to much longer though.. :hug:
Blimy xena and as if you aint git enough on your plate!! let me know what iots like cos il be doing it soon with a new baby and thats guna be fun!
I'm not having a scan after all it would seem. My midwife rang me this morning and said there's no point because it's blatently obvious that I'm having a big baby.

So instead I have to go to see a consultant at the hospital at 11am tomorrow morning. Not sure exactly what good that is going to do.

Anyway I had a strong curry this evening - who knows eh lol.
Hiya Xena how did it all go? Keep us posted and let your txt buddy know if your in labour!!!
mrs_tommo22 said:
Hiya Xena how did it all go?

It's not 11 yet hun lol.

I'm just about to jump in the shower and get going for my hospital consultant appointment.

thanks all of you for the good luck :)
aww well i thick and didnt see it was at 11 :rotfl: :rotfl:

I forgot how early it was lol
Well I have a date for induction booked if Alex doesn't show up - Monday 13th August. (13th....unlucky for some! )

However I have the option of having a stretch and sweep done anytime I want one - I was scared though so I said "not today I'll wait" lol - doesn't that just make me the world's biggest wimp?!

Has anybody here had a stretch and sweep? What are they like? Phil thinks I should try it - he might be right but then again it's not his cervix lol.
well at leasy you have a daye now hun, only 11 days to go if he doesnt arrive by then..

Ive never had a stetch and sweep so i cant tell you what its like, but ive heard they can start things off for some ppl..

so good luck huni :hug:

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