

Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2007
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is going on with me? When my cycle's normal, I'm usually a 33 day girl with ov around CD20 - last month had a 32 dayer so was expecting the same this month.

Started to feel like things were happening (usually get a tingling feeling in my tum plus a kind of throbbing/pulling sensation on the right hand side) on CD14 so DH and I got busy. Last month had 3 days of EWCM and feeling very 'wet' :oops: but nothing really so far this month. The thing is, I still feel like I did 10 days ago (now on CD24) and i have no idea whats going on :wall: . Do you think its possible I've ov'ed yet or not? Am also really, really horny which isn't a bad thing :wink: but is it possible to take this long to ov? I just don't get it.

Have resisted the urge to buy any OPK's this month because I didn't wanna get too wound up with TTC but I wish I had some now!

Since my first m/c my cycles have been pretty erratic, but I thought I was back on track after last month :(
Aww I am not sure what is going on but did not want to read and run. Have you been ill or stressed lately as that can delay ov. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks hun :hug: :hug:

Have now started to get faint AF cramps which I usually get soon after ov so I guess an egg did escape after all! Just hope we managed to catch it :pray:. Am hoping that getting ready for Xmas will distract me from the torturous 2WW!!
I got what I thought were AF cramps the whole week before my BFP hon so it could be a good sign x
Good luck and lots of babydust coming your way :pray: :hug: :hug:
Thanks hun, lets get out of here before the new year, I think we've both been here long enough!!

Thanks Ellie, really hope so x
Emma79 said:
Thanks hun, lets get out of here before the new year, I think we've both been here long enough!!

I think that you are right we have been here far too long :hug: :hug: I have just been dusting the shelf where I have been for all this time :D :lol:

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