Wrist pain - support?


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2011
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Just wondered whether anyone else is experiencing bad wrist and thumb pain? I'm finding it really painfully picking up and holding my LO, and think maybe a wrist support might help. Anybody else having / had similar problems? Any recommendations of the type of wrist / thumb support that might help?
I'm having exactly the same problem, apparently it's De Quervain's tendinitis. Are you breastfeeding? I find that's what makes my wrists very sore, the very awkward angle my wrist is in when I feed him.

You could get a support, but it's probably best to try and 'attack' the cause rather than the symptoms, try and relax your thumbs while you're holding her and change positions more often. I found it helped quite a bit :hug:
I'm having exactly the same problem, apparently it's De Quervain's tendinitis. Are you breastfeeding? I find that's what makes my wrists very sore, the very awkward angle my wrist is in when I feed him.

You could get a support, but it's probably best to try and 'attack' the cause rather than the symptoms, try and relax your thumbs while you're holding her and change positions more often. I found it helped quite a bit :hug:

Sorry to hear you're suffering too... I'm no longer breastfeeding, but do find I am using my wrists a lot when picking Emily up and supporting her head and bottom when carrying around. She refuses to go in any of the slings / carriers I have, which is annoying as that would help take the pressure off my limbs and joints!

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