Hope all went well with the induction.
I was induced with my first baby at 36 weeks as I had been in hosp for 5 days on complete bed rest with high bp. It just kept climbing and climbing, despite medication. I also had protein in my urine and svere swelling on my face and hands and legs. So it was full blown pre-eclampsia really.
When my bp got as high as 200/110 they said I had to be induced for mine and the baby's sake. At that high level, the placenta was failing so baby could have started to get in trouble and I could have developed eclampsia and suffered organ failure. So yes, sometimes it is defintely safer for baby to just get out!
Interestingly, I was already 1-2 cm dilated when they came to the induction so they just broke my waters to get things going. I guess my body had already decided enough was enough and was getting going anyway. I had the hormone drip later on to speed up the contractions. They did say that I was more likely to need a c section, so insisted I had an epidural and constant monitoring as a precaution. I also had to wear a bp cuff, which took a reading every 10 min. This all meant that I was pretty much stuck on my back in bed the whole time which is not ideal for labour, but it was only about 6.5 hours.
My daughter was fine, weighing in at a healthy 5lb 13oz and didn't even need special care, just a small bit of oxygen after the birth. We both had to stay in for a couple of days for observation. My bp got back to normal almost immediately following the birth. My other pregnancies have all been fine... so far *touches wood*!
Hope this helps