would really appreciate your help ladies im going insaaaaane


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2011
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For the past 2 weeks or so charlie has been a nightmare!! He used to go to sleep okay, bit whingy sometimes and then sleep until around 2am, have some milk (even though he has PLENTY to eat/drink in the day) and then wake around 6/7.

Past 2 weeks he's been going to sleep brilliantly, although this includes feeding him his milk on his changing mate on the bathroom floor afyer dressing as he will only drink it lying down, and in his cot he just wants his dummy...(except at the 2am feed he will just drink it in his cot...I don't know why he will only drink it lying Dow.)

However every hour or maybe a teeny bit longer he will niggle, then every night around ten when we go to bed or sometimes before we go upstairs he will wake up crying...he doesnt particularly sound in pain and i know hes not hungry and his nappies are usually fine, so we pop his dummy back in and then keep playing thw dummy game til he falls asleep.

Lately though as weve tried everything else we've been letting him cry it out for about 5-7 mins which i have to do in his daytime naps(he usually goes down every 2 hours or so) and just then hes been screaming literally like hes posessed! And he rolls over and wriggled that in the space of 5 mins he got from his back at the bottom to the top lying on his side horizontally :l

I just feel in despair and like I'm going backwards. He also wakes up for a fees, doesnt drink it all about 5oz maybe less and then is up at about 3, then 4, then half 5, then 7 and ijust want to die. I'm around 9/10 weeks pg and shattered anyway, as well as having really bad ms, and i juat feel like cause he keeps me up all night I don't give him the best of me in the day.

Oh does try and help as much as poss now weve had words but i sti wake up first and cant get back to sleep with him crying. And i just can't sleep much in the day no matter how tired its really hard.

Gahhh I'm sorry for the long post, after 5 mins of Satan screaming I went and gave him some water as his throat was prob dry, he'd had calpol and teething gel and dummy and he went straight to sleep. When he was screaming though it seemwd to be more angry that I'd not rushed back to him rather than pain or anything else....what a terror! X
Sorry I don't have any advice but didn't want to RAR. :hugs:

Hope someone else can help and you get him settled soon. Xxx
Im not sure what to suggest either since obviously nothing has worked for me either as K has never done the sleep thing! I don't do the cry it out thing at all though esp as they are still so little, it just stresses everyone so pointless. I would say its probably his age and will pass, they are going through a massive developmental spurt just now and its too much for their brains to process, I've noticed K is less settled at the mo than normal and they are also going through a bit of separation anxiety. Naughty I know but K will sleep on my bed with me for a nap or early hours of the morning when Im sick of getting up, not ideal but I see it as Id rather get the rest and easy life just now until he seems a bit happier to leave my side.
Oh forgot to add the wonder weeks app is quite interesting for explaining what they are going through and the book is supposed to be even better but I've not read it.
No advice as we aren't at this stage yet

:hug: hope you manage to figure it out hun xxxxxxx
G wakes up every hour or so too. We tried so many things, nothing seems to work. Unfortunately, I'm afraid it's just something we need to deal with. Try not to stress out about it too much and accept that it's just a stage that will pass. Try to get naps durian the day though - have you considered taking something to help you go to sleep?
Brody has been waking more in the past few weeks. He cried the other night and after about 20 mins of patting his back burped. Wonder if there is some trapped wind? :hug: xx

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I dont know what to say as I've been in a similar situation so sending :hugs:

Sorry guys Ive only just had chance to nip on for more than 2 mins! He will only sleep in his buggy or his bed, he won't sleep in my bed just plays and starts flapping about. I've tried sitting with him in case it is anxiety, but he just thinks its playtime. I've tried staying in so he naps longer, going out so he naps less and nothing makes the difference. I don't know if I can take anything as then I might not wake up to Charlie crying, and I don't know if you can take anything during pg. I've tried feeding him more, my mum had him yesterday whilst me and oh went out for the day she said he had lots to eat so I thought it would settle him more. Last night was horrendous I ended up awake from 2 til half 5 and he woke up at 6 after going down at half 4. I was up longer crying my eyes out to oh, I said I felt so tired and like i am starting to resent my life, I don't get time to have a proper meal or sleep as unless I have the tv on I don't get a min to myself. And it sounds mean but I'm dreading this other baby coming, its a long way off and Charlie might sleep through by December but I'm not getting my hopes up. Im just not happy at all lately I feel like I've lost control over everything :/ xxx
Aww so sorry that you are feeling low at the moment!! HArrison is currently regressing, he used to sleep thru and if he woke it was just a matter of dummy in and he went off but now he wakes up for resettling every hour pretty much from 12 sometimes more often and needs 2 feeds in the night were he used to go through!! I dont mind feeding him as he clearly needs the food and he obviously hasnt got a stomach big enough just yet but I cuddle him to sleep and as soon as I put him down he wakes up the hands go in the mouth and he starts moaning!! I probably need to man up as he doesnt cry just has a winge but I cant bear to hear him upset so we go thru the process again. Me and DH are currently tag teaming so I do the first half of the night and he does the second!!
Haha, Charlie slept through for about 2 weeks when he was a month old, from 10pm til 6. And since then he wakes at least twice, feeds once at the least. And hes getting more than enough in the day. He's been awake all morning, now crying in bed cause hes overtired. I literally can't go in cause ill snap, I've got no energy whatsoever and its always worse when i have plans to meet up with friends, which isn't very often and I don't have heaps of friends as it is. Just does my head in looking like crap all the time, you when you do your make up but you still look like crap or just look worse.

Oh said when he gets back tonight he will sleep in Charlie's room and sort him out just until I feel a bit better. I feel really bad though cause he has to get up for work and stare at a pc all day... The more time goes on the worse he gets and I just keep thinking 'why can't I do this anymore?' You go from being clueless to being clues up and back to clueless again... Grrr just wish he would sleep its not even like he's in pain or anything, he just whinges and if I ignore him he gets louder and does the cpugh thing...my auntie said he just needs to know who's boss lol xx
Aww wish I had some magic advice for you, I find the constant night wakings hard and I'm not pregnant so can't imagine how tired you must be. Could your oh do more so you can get a bit more sleep or maybe your mum have him for another day but sleep instead? They are difficult at this age, everyone goes on about it getting easier by now but they are so wrong! It's just the same for me, infact I probably got more sleep when Kynon was tiny as I slept a bit in the day and didn't feel guilty about it but I do now, like I'm lazy. Have you read the no cry sleep solution book? It has some tips in which may help (not worked for me yet though) if you have the time to read though!
I've not tried that no, is that where you pick them up then once they're quiet put them back down to settle? Cause I tried that and hr just stayed awake expecting me to pick him up. I feel like I'm going mental, I said to oh 'he knows, he knows what he's doing he's too clever'. Today I'm supposed to meet up with a friend and I've got hair like hagrid, still in my dressing gown, gotta somehow look half human anf eat something and I don't even have the energy to move. I'm getting to the stage where even though I've no bump o can't get comfy at night, feeling sick all the time, and only my oh, and my auntie know im pg so I can't even talk to anyone really, I don't wamna tell people yet and I don't wanna tell my mum as she told the whole family in about 3 hours last time so she's the last to be told. Sorry im going on, fed up of moaning but it just doesn't seem to be getting easier and I just keep thinking 'omg I'm gonna have this twice by the end of the year.and ill never be able to leave the house'. He's only just gone to sleep now after me going putting his dummy in, and rolling him back onto his back. Oh said to leave housework to him he will do it when he gets back. He is trying but I'm one for feeling guilty and lazy too, like they're my jobs so I should do them, I don't go to his worl and do his jobs xxx
hes being supportive and you need the help so just let him do it, dont feel guilty cos these kids are hard work from the minute theyre concieved. my oh says work is his escape so hes happy to help out at home as he knows i dont really get to escape the way he does. i wish i could suggest something to help hun but i have all this to come. your a star for managing as much as you do so i just wanna tell you that and send hugs x
I've pm'd you x
Maybe seeing your friend will help you chill for a bit, she won't care how you look so don't worry about that, oh and I'm still in my dressing gown too lol!
Babies are always the worst when you have plans!! I guess they just like their routine and they know if you are trying to rush them to get out!! Dont feel bad about Oh staying up with him, you have a full time job looking after little one so you need your rest too esp with another on the way!! I always say to my mum that every time I get confident he changes and does something different!! I personally think that they do know what they are doing (goes to show you have a clever little one) but they are so little and they need extra cuddles at the moment!!
I know and he does want to help, he said he'd rather stay awake with Charlie whinging than stay up with me crying lol. He went to work with no lunch or money and no breakfast :( feel mean cause I want to look afyer him too, usually he gets on my nerves but weve been getting on so well lately, I know he doesnt care but I feel rubbish xx

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