would it be weird..


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2011
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for me to take ella to my grandads funeral? i have nobody to have her and i obviously want to go to say goodbye? is it ok for babies to go to funerals or do you think i would piss everybody off if she started crying?
if it was me hun, i would. You have every right to be there and if there's no one to watch Ella then you have no choice! I am so so sorry to hear your news hunni xxx
If I'd have gone to my grandads funeral Tyler would've come. I would think she would cheer everyone up at the wake too with that face

Also... From a selfish point of view... She's the only person that makes me feel happy so cuddling her throughout the service will make it a bit easier!
I suppose if that was the only option i wouldn't see any harm in it. Maybe someone at the funeral (thats not as close a relative) would be willing to stand outside with her if she's crying.

Sorry to hear about your grandad - i've been thinking lots about my passed grandparents recently. It still hurts so much. xxx
I don't think it would be weird.

I've been thinking a lot about this
Just now, as my aunt is on borrowed time, and i think having LO there to cuddle would make it easier.

Maybe have a plan in place for what to do if she gets really unsettled - like is there a relative to step outside with her, or maybe position yourself at the back. Xxx
I don't think children should be at funerals. People are there to grieve and say goodbye. I personally don't like when kids r there, even when they're coping its hard to hear the service xxx
I think it helps children understand what's going on if there's a funeral to say goodbye properly.

I'd say bring bubba you could always step out with her if you think she's going to start crying.
I took my LO to a funeral when she was 8 months old - I wouldn't like it normally but there was no other option and she was good as gold. I took dummys and had her teddy thing to pacify her and was ready to pop outside if she started but she was fine. After the funeral at the wake/buffet thing people were cooing all over her and clearly happy for her to be there. Sorry to hear about your loss x
My cousins brought their Kids to my dads funeral. I know with my dad he loved Kids so it was more than right. I think you should. After all it was her great grandad. X
If it was my Grandad I wouldn't hesitate to take J.

It's my great aunts funeral today. After discussing it with my mum and sis we all thought it would be best not to take J. However it's because it's a very long catholic service followed by a crem service. He had his last set of jabs yesterday afternoon and there's every chance he's going to be cranky today. So we had specific reasons iykwim. Had it been really close family even this wouldn't have stopped me.
I think it's fine to take babies to funerals. I believe funerals are a celebration of life and it's right that all the generations are there. When my mum passed away I was pregnant with my eldest but had it been 8 months later I would have taken her. I took my eldest when she was about 20 months to my grandad in laws funeral. As its your grandad I would just let your oh look after your little one during the service so you can concentrate on it and it's your oh who leaves the service if necessary. I think it's a nice thing for other people to see babies at funerals... "circle of life" etc
I actually think babies would make a funeral much better. Kind of a circle of life thing. One goes out but new life is all around us, reminding us that its part of nature and that your grandfather left a legacy that goes on for generations.

I'm amazed this has had a single response advising not. Weddings and funerals are about family. Your baby should definitely be there, as a comfort for the whole family! xxx
I think it's fine hun would have taken mine as babies !! And like u have said she will b a comfort to u at the service and remind everyone at the wake of what there is to look forward too xxx

I would take her, you have no other option, and I'm sure if some one else at the funeral didn't have any one to look after their LO then they would do the same!
Jack's been to 2 funerals already :(

The 1st was his Great Nanny's who died when he was 4 days old, he was her 1st Great Grandchild and she never got to meet him even though she saw me every weekend while I carried him :( Everyone loved having him there. He was 4 weeks old at the time.

The 2nd one was my Grandad's in March so he was almost 9 months old. A few of my relatives thought it was a bad idea but I knew he'd behave beautifully and he proved them all wrong and was an absolute angel all day. My Mum said having him around all day really helped her because he was there for cuddles. Plus the people who we were saying goodbye to were his relations aswell so why shouldn't he have been there?! x
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It's personal choice. I don't think there is a problem with children at funerals, especially as it is a grandparent.

I personally think it depends on whose funeral it is.

Sorry about your loss. Xx

I actually think babies would make a funeral much better. Kind of a circle of life thing. One goes out but new life is all around us, reminding us that its part of nature and that your grandfather left a legacy that goes on for generations.

I'm amazed this has had a single response advising not. Weddings and funerals are about family. Your baby should definitely be there, as a comfort for the whole family! xxx

^wss! Your baby is family too, and I can't beleive people think they shouldn't be there. Obviously if she started crying, you would take her outside to calm her.

So sorry about your Grandad :hugs:
Firstly I am sorry to read about your loss.... I think Star Fish is spot on, funerals and weddings are definately about family and they are a celebration of life so why shouldn't LO be involved. xx
Thanks ladies, I am going to take her with me. She is usually absolutely fine during the days and rarely cries so hopefully she will be fine.

There's going to be hundreds there! My grandad was an ex sas soldier so has lots of army friends coming from all over, I think it will be a really nice day (as nice as funerals go!)

Thanks again x

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