Wakes 6.30-7am (that's when oh gets up for college)
Breakfast and 2 ish hours play in the front room
8.30-9am Down for a nap which ranges from 45 mins to 1h 30 mins
10.30 ish wakes, we usually either go to something or go shopping or go for a walk
12pm lunch
12.30-1ish goes down for a nap which ranges from 45 mins to 2 hours depending on when he woke and how much he slept in the morning
3pm milk and biscuit
3-5pm play, we go out etc
5pm dinner
6.15pm start bedtime- milk, bath and stories
7pm lights out (if we're lucky!)
He sleeps a lot but I think it's a fluke rather than anything we do- little rip van winkle!