wot a horrible night :(


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2006
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tryin 2 cut this as short as poss as is a long story...

my oh was at the football 2day n wen he came home was COVERED in blood cuts n bruises, i thot hed bn fightin so i wasked him wot happedned n turned out he was takin a fit(hes diabetic)so i ran a warm bath 2 bathe his cuts n helped him get undressed, n gave him a tin of coke 2 stop the fit, n asked him wot happened, turns out hed bn left 4m his m8 with a policeman!!! cos the policeman told his m8 2 go get his car 2 take him home, n wen his m8 went back they were gone, but the policeman basically told him 2 go home :evil: n cos he was takin a fit he cudnae walk right, so he is now at a+e cos he cant move his shoulder. i phoned the police 2 complain n there no sendin the guy out till 2mo!!! am so friggin angry, am sorry its so long :(
let me get this straight... his mate is a policeman or was it just some policeman that approached him? bit confussed. Where did his mates go (he was playing football with)? Did everyone leave him to walk home alone knowing he'd had or was having a fit? that is bloody awful.... is he okay now? do you know the policemans name or number? If you do then call the station he is from and speak to him boss... the bloody fool should have taken him straight to hospital...

Hope he is feeling better now. Has he done any serious damage to his shoulder? you have a right to be so angry...

sorry wasnt very clear..
he was at a football match, was sum random policeman tht was outside(incase of fights) n yeh he was left 2 walk home on his own, but his m8 never knew tht, was the policeman who told him 2 go get his car, i am puttin in a complaint cos am not happy, he was in a right state, which scared me and chloe, n is the last thing u need wen ur due in 2 weeks!!!
Thats awful, you would think a policeman would help and even call for another cop, there is no shortage of them at footie matches.
I hope he is feeling okay when he gets back, you take it easy though, we dont need you getting your bp up. :(
Thats awful, hope your OH is ok. Hope you and bump are ok too! :)
was horrible i really thot hed bn battered!!!! cant w8 4 the policeman 2 cum up 2mo n get a piece o my mind!!!! ha ha hormonal pregnant woman on the rampage!! the police shud have taken him 2 the medical stand!!!! can believe they just left him makes u wonder...
thats disgusting get that complaint in ASAP hun hope ur OH is ok
the police have a lot to answer for. too interested in people speeding and speed cameras to deal with people properly,
I bet you the copper just assumed he was pissed and left him to get on with it! :evil:

Poor bloke, you'll have to be extra nice to him today Yvanne :)
hiya again everyone, thanx so much for ur concearn!! he has sprained his shoulder, n wrist,and is also is covered in bumps n bruises, am so angry at police, am still w8in on sum1 coming up...

littleminx ur righy.. people prob just did think he was p***** cos thats basically the way he acts wen takin a fit, slurrin words, not bein able 2 co ordinate etc etc.

if i dont get anywhere with police(i want at lleast a written apology) ill happily name n shame the guy thro paper!!!

is gunna b so hard now wen i have baby cos darren wont b able 2 help, so ill b changin 2 sets o nappies on my own along wi feedin etc etc :x
i am sure that he will do his best to help. trying to remember who you need to contact at the police mind you thoough i used to work for the Met so it would be different for you wouldnt it. if you need to contact scotland yard let me know andi will phone my old boss
i phoned the local police station cos there able 2 trace who was on duty etc, if i dont hear anythin by 4(they said between 9 n 5) then ill phone again cos the officer i need is of duty at 5
well... 2 update

policeman phoned me(never came up like i got told he would) n was 2 b quite frank an arrogant twat on the phone, he was like y did u phone n report it why no ur OH, i was like cos he was at a+e!!!! n the guy was like yeh but he cudda phoned etc etc, i wa slike he was in no fit st8 2....

anyhoo he basically said he hand 2 hand it over 2 another officer cos he was goin on hol 2day(convenient)mn tht id get a phonecall at sum point......

well he phoned back again n spoke 2 my OH, n said the officers just assumed he was drunk(they were told he was a diabetic n takin a fit) n that my OH said 2 them 2 go away n they did!!! keepin in mind tho that my OH cudnt stand or tell them his name he was expected 2 make his own way home,am so friggin angry
Hi there, I'm diabetic and although this has never happened to me (thank god) I can understand how easily this happens - I believe a man even died once in police custody because they thought he was drunk not hypo (diabetics do not have fits when their blood sugars are low by the way). Does your husband have any form of id that states he's diabetic? I have a medic alert bracelet that clearly states I'm diabetic so if I was confused, slurring my words and agressive they could look at my wrist to see it was a medical problem immediately. Police have very litle first aid training They have 1 day every 3 years that's not assessed or anything but most members of the public assume they are capable of recognising and dealing with medical emergencies (I used to do 1st aid training for the police many years ago and was quite shocked how many tales they can tell but have so very little training of how to deal with it).

Hope he's ok and at least this complaint can highlight to the police the dangers of assuming someone is just drunk

exactly good point chickster, this might be a way to high light the problem. police do need first aid training. they also need to have a complete fitness each year as well. oh and they need to learn how to be a bit humble as well, a lot of them are arrogant twats. speaking from experience of working with them.

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